"Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive."<br><br>D.W. and Clan--Scrutinize your hearts--truly--for "...God is no respecter of<br> persons:..." (Acts 10:34). You consider yourselves leaders, but heavy<br> shepherding and manipulation, as well as evasion of responsibility, is not<br> leadership. You really care not to hold accountable those you "prefer" in spite of your stating otherwise. Your sins have hardened your hearts and calloused your<br> eyes so that you've become willfully and woefully oblivious to them. Through<br> arrogance you've compromised and endangered many--and this is not just referring to the Sitler case.<br><br>You put on airs of concern knowing full well you've not been fully truthful and <br>forthright. But then lying is approved in your church; how then can you be<br>trusted? You've been a major player in divisiveness. You're dancing to the music<br>of your own
making, and let's hope you don't choke on the table you've <br>prepared. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth,<br>that shall he also reap" (Galations 6:7).<br><br>You are quick to circulate your disdain for those whose only "sin" is to disagree<br>with you (and this is not meaning disagreement with the plain sense of <br>Scripture; you're expert at making what is plain "not" plain) or those you're not<br>particularly fond of. Perhaps if the "Two Charlies" had been child molesters you<br>would've kept a better guard over your mouth.<br><br>What happened to your postmillennial stance of capital punishment for <br>fornicators in relationship to Steven Sitler? You're quick to submit a letter<br>requesting leniency for Sitler to his judge, but not so quick in issuing a letter<br>of warning to the community in which you live so they can live defensively. How<br>truly merciful is that? But then we, outside your Kirk, are
not under "your"<br>covenant. You are the elite. Our souls seem of lesser value to you.<br><br>Your priorities are askew. What about justice for the victims that your pleas for leniency disallowed them. Let's wonder if you would've been so generous if <br>your grandchildren had been the targets of Sitler. What "men" of your churches<br>protected the innocent? The men of your churches would do well to be more<br>concerned about the welfare of their and the community's children instead of<br>the protection of their pastor and church. But then they're taught the Church<br>(which is not synonymous with God) takes precedence over family. We're <br>waiting to see some "present" as well as future men. By the way, there's<br>something frightening about parents that would take the time to first go to their<br>pastor after "truly" suspecting their child had been molested before first reporting<br>it to law
enforcement.<br><br>It's a sad note, also, to see Mr. Jim Wilson, a man of professed Faith and a <br>graduate of a military academy which places honor above personal gain, to stoop<br>so low as to defraud the public of tax monies by claiming that donations from<br>Atlas School were not payments to "Jim's organization" for services rendered.<br>This is a sleazy politician's trick stating that he's not influenced in his voting by<br>a large campaign donation. Besides poor accounting advice, he would have done<br>well to have obeyed the One who told us to "render unto Caesar the things that<br>are Caesars." This hurts his witness.<br><br>Also, and Doug Wilson states to Michael Metzler on Wednesday, June 07, 2006,<br>"...and I have no reason to believe that if your astounding emotional insecurities<br>in any way threatened..." Perhaps, Doug, we can have your doctor declare<br>Michael "sane" as he did you just a few years ago when you wanted Charlie<br>Nolan
to be "examined" by your doctor.<br><br>It's more than time that you and your kin get jolted back to reality and clean your<br>"own" households first and foremost. And pray God has more mercy on you than<br>you've had on others.<br><br><Scimitar><br><p> __________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com