Keely,<br> <br> It bothers me, but does not surprise me, that you were a on the school board and yet are unable to read and follow an argument.<br> <br> My father is retired from the military. And he too earned his retirement check. That WAS NOT THE ARGUMENT. Nor was anyone's service to the community, except yours.<br> <br> The argument was that Tom Hansen was attacking me for collecting a government checks to go to school. I don't. <br> <br> I was pointing out Tom Hansen's hypocrisy for attacking people that work for government when he DOES too, and NOT for his military check, but for collecting a disability check when CLEARLY he can and does work. I too could collect a $690 a month plus food stamps, and medical, and disability check, but I can work, so that would be a lie wouldn't it? regardless of what the law entitles me to. There really are people out there that are so disabled they cannot work. Disability checks should go to them. Not people with
disabilities that still function and can contribute at a paying job. <br> <br> _DJA<br><br><b><i>keely emerinemix <></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> I've learned that answering him is like feeding stray cats, but I take <br>exception to Donovans saying that Tom Hansen has never had a job that didn't <br>result in a government paycheck.<br><br>Tom is a veteran. He served his country and served it well, as evidenced by <br>his long tenure and his honorable discharge. He gave what he had and earned <br>every paycheck he got, and it offends me greatly to suggest that he and <br>other veterans simply relied on "government checks." The government, and <br>all of us, relied on them. Simple as that.<br><br>I'm glad you're getting your education, Donovan, and doing it the hard way, <br>but judging from your take on voting and service to the country, you seem
<br>not to have learned very much at all.<br><br>keely<br><br><br>From: Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005""><br>To: Tom Hansen <thansen""><br>CC:<br>Subject: RE: [Norton AntiSpam] RE: [Norton AntiSpam] RE: [Norton AntiSpam] <br>Re:[Vision2020] Not Votng anymore-Waste of Time<br>Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 21:22:54 -0700 (PDT)<br><br>Tom,<br><br> I also graduated after five years and while working 40 hours a weeks <br>during 3/4 of that time. I have two associates degrees that I obtained by <br>working. I also have a BS in Political Science. I am working on my MA in <br>Special Education and a BS in Education. Not to mention I am also working <br>on a AS in Nursing.<br><br> For your information, I have two jobs, working 50 hours a week and still <br>maintain a 3.5 GPA in graduate School. I collect two paychecks. I earned <br>them. I unlike some people, refuse to remain stupid and uneducated while <br>staying at a dead end
job for $10 a hour or less. My starting wage in life <br>is higher than your maximum at the end of your life.<br><br> The question is not, Tommy, why I continue to take classes for the rest <br>of my life as educational and medical technology needs change and advance; <br>the question is why you fail to try and learn more when it so evident that <br>you know so little, even after living so long.<br><br> And it is YOU who are living on taxpayers dollars, you never had a job <br>that did not issue a government check Tommy. Nor do I accept my disability <br>check, that is bullshit. If you can work, you have NO right to collect a <br>check when others cannot, Nor do I collect any taxpayer funds for my <br>education, it is all 100% loans and what I pay with my hard labor, and <br>graduate students pay more than they cost the University, unlike your <br>education.<br><br> Regards,<br><br> _DJA<br><br>Tom Hansen <thansen""> wrote: v\:*
<br>{behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* <br>{behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} <br>st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } Come on, Arnold. <br>Youve been in college how long now? How many majors?<br><br> I graduated in 1996 after five years.<br><br> Regardless of what people may tell you, Arnold, as a student you are <br>not eligible for tenure. Get out and get a real job. Or are you going to <br>simply live off us tax payers?<br><br> Enough friggin said.<br><br> t hansen<br><br><br> *******************************************************<br><br> "If the law is to be respected it must first be respectable. There will <br>never be respect for our laws without enforcement, equal enforcement."<br><br> - dick Sherwin (May 3, 2006)<br><br>
*******************************************************<br><br><br><br>---------------------------------<br><br> From: Donovan Arnold []<br> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:16 PM<br> To: Tom Hansen; 'Ed'<br> Cc:<br> Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] RE: [Norton AntiSpam] RE: [Norton AntiSpam] <br>Re: [Vision2020] Not Votng anymore-Waste of Time<br><br><br> Yeap, you are right Mr. Hansen. I am lazy. I work two jobs and go to <br>graduate school and am in a vocational training program. If I really cared, <br>I would do more. If I really wanted to stay busy, I would get a job <br>sitting behind a computer at UI writing endless comments on community serve <br>lists calling other people lazy for not doing things I suggest they do.<br><br> _DJA<br><br><br><br><br>---------------------------------<br>Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just <br>2˘/min with Yahoo! Messenger
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