Melynda Huskey <> wrote:<br> <br> > So, Jeff, you would certainly take issue with Walmart's decision not to<br> > provide the "morning-after" contraceptive pill to any of its customers?<br> > Even after several states adopted specific legislation to require it to<br> > do so, Walmart resisted making this legal, safe, and cheap<br> > pharmaceutical birth control choice available to customers when<br> > prescribed by a doctor--and it still permits, even encourages,<br> > individual pharmacists to refuse to fill the prescription, even when<br> > patients have no other pharmacy available to them (as in small towns<br> > where other drug stores have been driven out of business by Walmart).<br> <br> I agree with this analysis:<br><br> Are there really places that are so isolated that they are not within driving distance of a pharmacy other than Wal-Mart, but still big !
enough to
suport a Wal-Mart in the first place?<br> <br> > Similarly, some years ago, Walmart pulled teeshirts depicting a cartoon<br> > character saying "Some day a girl will be President," from all its<br> > stores, stating in a press release that the shirts were in conflict with<br> > the corporation's "family values." Presumably those are the same values<br> > that keep women from advancing within the company.<br> <br> That's not exactly right. In 1994, the t-shirts (around 100 of them) were pulled from the ONE store in Florida where they were available, apparently because of a customer complaint. After one day of protests, Wal-Mart apologized and sold 50,000 t-shirts in 74 percent of their stores. You can read the story as Ann Moliver Ruben tells it herself here:<br><br> <br> > I can't have every single possible choice. Why shouldn't we, as a community,<br> > try to exercise
responsibly the functionally limited choices we have?<br> <br> Because history has not been kind to experimental alternatives to the free market.<p>
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