Joe,<br> <br> Very well said. There is also the flip side of the unnatural argument too. There are many things that are very natural that I do not want being done in public and in many cases should not be legal to do in public. <br> <br> Gays and Lesbians, or shall I say, single and childless individuals, do contribute to the welfare and upbringing of children through taxes and work. If everyone married and had eight children surely the quality of life would be diminished in our modern society. <br> <br> Take Care,<br> <br> Donovan J Arnold<br><br><b><i></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> Donovan,<br><br>Good point. But the consequences of forbidding same-sex marriage go even further still. My wife and I, Christian as we be, have no intention of having children any longer. We have one wonderful son and that is all we'd like to have. If you follow t!
anti-same-sex marriage arguments, the web or irrationality is suddenly thrust on us, as well. <br><br>At best, folks like Tony can only appeal to the Argument from Nature: ‘Homosexuality’ is unnatural; therefore, it is immoral, or laws against it are justified. <br><br>This is as bad of an argument as there is. First, there is little reason to accept the premise, given the prevalence of gays and lesbians in society. Second, even if you accept the premise, there is little reason to accept either conclusion. Flying in an airplane is unnatural. Is it immoral? Should it be illegal? Again, once we begin to accept such irrational arguments a rather wide net is cast, one that catches far more than those originally intended.<br><br>I’m against laws limiting marriage, for most of them are based on general principles that would, if carried out to their full extent, compromise my own choices and actions. I don't have to be gay to be against them. The lesson to lear!
n is that
injustice anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere.<br><br>--<br>Joe Campbell<br><br>---- Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005""> wrote: <br><br>=============<br>“It is my understanding that the entire purpose behind the institution of marriage was to facilitate the raising of offspring.”-ToeKnee<br> <br> So you are advocating a man divorce his wife after menopause Tony? How bizarre.<br> <br> _DJA<br> <br><br><br></donovanjarnold2005></blockquote><br><p>
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