Are single word uses of caps, like THIS, considered shouting? I use
caps for emphasis. Are <b>boldfaced</b> words or sentences instances
of shouting?
Thanks!<br>--<br>Joe Campbell<br><br>---- Chasuk <chasuk gmail.com="#DEFAULT">
wrote:<br><br>=============<br>On 1/29/06, g. crabtree <jampot adelphia.net="#DEFAULT">
wrote:<br><br>>So does this format make for the tidier, more succinct message
that you<br>>desire? Definitely more of a pain in the ass to create.
Is there a<br>>definitive way to reply to a forum post that's easy and
still meets your<br>>stringent guidelines for "netiquette?"<br><br>
Yes, and yes (erm, the second yes is a qualified yes, as I don't know<br>that
it can be described as "easy." However, neither does it deserve<br>
the word "difficult). Here are a few simple rules that have evolved<br>
over the decades of electronic communication, with especial relevance<br>
to e-mail and forums:<br><br>1. When you reply, quote only as much as is
necessary to establish context.<br>2. DON'T SHOUT (writing in all caps
is considered shouting).<br>3. Don't send huge attachments without the
permission of the recipient.<br>4. For reasons of politeness,
bandwidth conservation, and security,<br>send plaintext e-mails.<br>5.
When forwarding, delete all attached addresses and unnecessary '>'<br>
characters.<br>6. Don't overuse emoticons.<br>7. Don't overuse exclamation
marks or question marks!!!!!! Okay????!!!!???<br>8. Spellcheck and
proofread the document.<br><br>I'm only providing this list because
you asked; it isn't directed at<br>you or anyone in particular.<br><br>
List services made available by First Step Internet,<br>serving the
communities of the Palouse since 1994.<br>http://www.fsr.net<br>