Good group; count me in!<br>--<br>Joe Campbell<br><br>---- Bill London <london moscow.com="#DEFAULT">
wrote:<br><br>=============<br>David Johnson of the Lewiston Tribune is
working now on a feature article about Moscow Vision 2020 (history,
function, goals, etc). He wants to include a sidebar listing of the
dozen or so most active and most representative subscribers. He asked
me who I would list. (The criteria: over the last few months, the most
regular posters, those who most directly engage in the dialog on
V2020, the most representative group to show the diversity of opinion,
etc)<br><br>I gave him my list:<br>Tom Hansen<br>Donovan Arnold<br>
Joan Opyr (auntie e)<br>Rose Huskey<br>Keely Mix<br>Dan Carscallen<br>
Pat Kraut<br>G. Crabtree<br>Phil Nisbet<br>Joe Campbell<br>art deco
(Wayne Fox)<br>J. Ford<br><br>For the Tribune article, Johnson wants
to contact all the dozen on the list (by phone) for just a few quick
questions about why you participate PLUS get a photo to publish.<br><br>
and now, the issue is passed to you...do you agree with that list? who would
you add or subtract? .....if you are listed, do you want to remain on
the list?<br><br>Johnson would like everyone to discuss this list of
12 on V2020, and when a final list results, he would like to have
those on the list contact him by email (at deveryone@potlatch.com) and
provide their phone numbers.<br><br>Are you ready for your 15 seconds
of fame?<br>BL<br><br>