<div id="RTEContent">Do you care to cite a source for your numbers? The World Health Organization claims condoms have a protection rate of more than 99% per year against the transmission of HIV, when one partner is certainly positive:<br> <br> http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs243/en/<br> <br> "Kai Eiselein, LatahEagle Editor" <editor@lataheagle.com> wrote:<br> <br> > Condoms have failure rate of 2 - 3% when used correctly. That number jumps<br> > to about 17% when used incorrectly.<br> > Alcohol affects fine motor skills, so what do you think the odds are that a<br> > condom will be used incorrectly by a drunk, Mr. Hansen?<br> > So.....if condoms are 97-98% effective and abstinence is 100% effective at<br> > preventing the sexual spread of a disease that KILLS, which would a<br> > RESPONSIBLE person choose?<br> > Gee, I dunno, thats a tough one.<br> > I'm a realist, Mr. Hansen, I know that kids are going to have sex. !
> shouldn't abstinence be stressed as the primary way to avoid STDs and HIV,<br> > with the "safe sex" strategy #2, since "safe sex" is not 100 % effective? <br> </div><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com