Joan,<br><br>I didn't see anyone on the board I wanted to say "hello" to, nor do I yet. I'm not interested in going to any of your sites, as you have revealed clearly "who" you are, and I'm simply bored by it. That's why I suggested you post your personal comments on your personal sites.
<br><br>Yes, there are MANY community-minded people here in Moscow, but we've just never been compelled to join in the bantering of the small-minded. I am definitely a voter and a supporter of the Moscow community, but I will continue to do so in a strong, quiet manner that exemplifies the majority of the upright citizens in the area. We don't have to spout off, incite hatred, ridicule, wear our intolerance on our sleeve, or exploit public and community forums to further our agendas.
<br><br>I may visit on occasion, but I'll just shake my head in sadness at the lack of civility, and the misplaced arrogance that permeates the majority of the posts here. It's really a shame.<br><br>With that, I'm off to Phoenix and the real stuff of life!