Don et. al.<BR>
Personally, I don't care if someone wants to discuss the Mariners on Vision2020.<BR>
But why attack the posts on induction?<BR>
We get an onslaught of reporting on sports on TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, etc., so explain why Vision2020 is an appropriate place to discuss the Mariners? <BR>
What difference does it really make if the Mariners win, lose or go bust for the future of Moscow? <BR>
Why do you and others complain about the discussion of induction, yet say nothing about the posts on the Mariners that have been ongoing for years?<BR>
If the complaints about posts that are deemed not important for Moscow or its future are to be fair minded, they should go after every subject that is not important to the future of Moscow.<BR>
Or perhaps you'd like to explain why what happens to the Mariners really matters to the future of Moscow? <BR>
At least the improved critical thinking skills that the discussion of induction may inspire has some educational value. <BR>
Given how many people are suckered by propaganda coming from various sources in our world, it appears there is need for the improved critical thinking skills that the discussion of induction might offer.<BR>
Ted Moffett</FONT></HTML>