<HTML><HEAD><link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/iol.css"></HEAD><BODY class="articletext"><CENTER><IMG SRC="http://www.iol.co.za/images/Logo_iol.gif"></CENTER><P><P>Dear <B>Visionaries</B><P>
Carl Westberg (carlwestberg846@hotmail.com) spotted this on the IOL website and thought you'd find it interesting.<P>Carl Westberg says: It all started in Massachusetts. This is an udder disgrace.<P><span class=articleheadline>Rare cattle say 'we moo' in Thailand</span>A Thai man has arranged a traditional wedding ceremony between two midget Brahman bovines in the hopes that the odd union will bring him good luck.<P>(<A class="storylink" HREF="http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?art_id=qw112099230172B234&set_id=1&click_id=29&sf=">Click here for the full story </A>)<P>Visit <A class="sectlink" HREF="http://www.iol.co.za">http://www.iol.co.za</A> for the hottest online news, sport, jobs, property, motoring, classifieds and shopping in South Africa.<!-- START RedMeasure V4 - Newsletter Measurement -->
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