Pat et. al.<BR>
I offered a reference for reading on the subject of mental illness, and various controversial issues involved on this subject, written by a psychiatrist, R. D Laing, who had a lot of experience dealing with the mentally ill. You might read the book before dismissing what I said. <BR>
Info on "The Politics of Experience" here:<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/039471475X/103-2193648-8375043?v=glance">http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/039471475X/103-2193648-8375043?v=glance</A><BR>
Consider the following point, that can be read at the link above, from a reviewer of "The Politics of Experience:"<BR>
"To be well-adjusted to our modern dysfunctional society is not healthy for the individual or society. Who is more dangerous? Laing asks: the psychotic who mistakenly believes he carries a hydrogen bomb in his stomach or the perfectly adjusted B-52 bomber pilot who will drop very real hydrogen bombs when ordered to do so?"<BR>
Ted Moffett<BR>