Dave et. al.<BR>
Thanks for removing my private e-mail from your web site. Well, I assume it is removed, because it is not where it was, though I did not search your entire site.<BR>
Why did I post to V2020 the fact that you placed my private e-mail without my consent on your web site?<BR>
Someone who has chosen to join a public Internet list serve and takes private e-mail from another member of said list serve and posts it on their web site without asking for consent should expect that the list serve in question might be notified of this activity. Seems like a sensible warning in case other private e-mails from other list serve members started being beamed without their consent all over the web.<BR>
I like libertarian politics in many ways. I do not know very much about what your exact political views are, from issue to issue. It is often the case that people who follow a particular ideology do not consistently apply the principles they are claiming to follow. And libertarianism has many variations that can lead to quite different points of view on specific issues.<BR>
I do not know what your intentions are or what sort of person you are. I have no clue why you did not ask for permission to put the private e-mail I sent you on your web site. My private e-mail in question was not posted on V2020 till after you placed it on your web site, and then only to illustrate what had happened. If I was running a web site, it would be absolutely totally uncool to take a private e-mail and place it on my site without express consent.<BR>
It happens often that accidentally someone on the V2020 list sends a private e-mail to the list, and often apologies are offered for this on V2020. I have made this mistake and apologized publicly. The problem in this case is how do you remove the private e-mail from the V2020 archives that are stored and publicly viewable?<BR>
That picture of that sign advertising for the illiterate to "Write For Free Help" was worth the visit to your web site:<BR>
<A HREF="http://davebudge.com">http://davebudge.com</A><BR>
Ted Moffett<BR>