<HTML><BODY STYLE="font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>Dear Visionaries:</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Please consider making a call today or tomorrow AM (Tues. 2/1 or Wed. 2/2) to thank the following Idaho State Senators for their opposition to the Gay Marriage Amendment. Remember that those who are pushing for this radical re-writing of Idaho's constitution are encouraging their followers to make calls to these Senators *at home* to harass them, so if you feel like being profuse in your thanks, all the better. And I'd do it via telephone or email at their legislative offices, listed below. What could be more rude than calling someone at home about what is, in fact, business? As my Southern Baptist grandmother would say, some of these folks on the Radical Right have no manners a'tall. It's like they were raised by wolves!</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Oh, and by the way, please pass this on!</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment</DIV> <DIV><A href="http://www.auntie-establishment.com">www.auntie-establishment.com</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><U><STRONG>Message Forward</STRONG></U>:<BR> <BR>We think that THANK YOU CALLS to the following Senators are the best strategy for the Senate today and tomorrow (Wed.) before 11 AM. Letters to the Editor thanking them all over the state are essential next week.<BR><BR><STRONG>THANK</STRONG>: Malepeai, Little, Goedde, Schroeder, Andreason, Coiner, Stegner, Werk, Kelly, Gannon, Stennett, Burkett, Langhorst. Keough & Compton may be worth including as they are still maybes.<BR><BR>Simply call (208) 332-1000 and ask to leave a message for these Senators thanking them for opposing the Marriage Amendment.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><STRONG>[Note from Auntie: If you live in Moscow, be sure to dial that essential (208). Otherwise, you'll find yourself thanking a grain elevator operator in Pullman for their opposition to the Same-Sex Marriage Amendment. And, believe me, they'll be mighty surprised.]<BR></STRONG><BR>FYI: WE UNDERSTAND THAT THE RIGHT MAY HAVE A STRATEGY TO TRY TO BRING A NEW <BR>SHORTENED VERSION OF THE BILL UP IN THE HOUSE after it fails in the Senate tomorrow (Wednesday). The Right is targeting folks on State Affairs with phone calls to the legislative services number where they leave a message for the representatives saying how they want them to vote. You can do the same. Again, call (208) 332-1000.<BR></DIV> <DIV>Other contact info: <A href="http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/house/membership.cfm>http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/house/membership.cfm">http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/house/membership.cfm>http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/house/membership.cfm</A> <BR>IT IS IMPORTANT THAT WE ALSO GET FOLKS FROM THESE MEMBERS" PART OF THE STATE TO CALL & SEND LETTERS. You can call toll free at (800) 626-0471.<BR><BR><STRONG>MOST IMPORTANT TO CONTACT</STRONG>:</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Smylie* ssmylie@house.idaho.gov<BR>Black* <mailto:mblack@houseidaho.gov>mblack@house.idaho.gov<BR>Deal * <mailto:bdeal@house.idaho.gov>bdeal@house.idaho.gov<BR>Garrett* <mailto:Kgarrett@house.idaho.gov>Kgarrett@house.idaho.gov<BR>Andrus* <mailto:kandrus@house.idaho.gov>kandrus@house.idaho.gov<BR>Edmunson* <mailto:cedmunso@houseidaho.gov>cedmunso@house.idaho.gov<BR>Snodgrass* <mailto:msnodgra@house.idaho.gov>msnodgra@house.idaho.gov<BR>Anderson* <mailto:eanderso@house.idaho.gov>eanderso@house.idaho.gov<BR>Sheperd (Mary Lou)* <mailto:mshepher@house.idaho.gov>mshepher@house.idaho.gov<BR><BR><STRONG>NOT ON STATE AFFAIRS BUT KEY SWING VOTES:</STRONG><BR>Nonini<BR>Chadderton<BR>Bastian<BR>Newcomb<BR>Shirley<BR>Smith (Leon)<BR><BR><STRONG>PROBABLE NO VOTES (BUT DO LEAVE AN ENCOURAGING MESSAGE TO GET THEIR NO VOTE):</STRONG><BR>Jones<BR>Skippen<BR>Bilbao<BR><BR><STRONG>DEFINITE NO VOTES TO PLEASE THANK IF YOU HAVE TIME:</STRONG><BR>Miller*<BR>Ring*<BR>Kemp<BR>Trail<BR>Henbest<BR>Jaquet<BR>Rushie<BR>Smith (Elaine)*<BR>Pasley-Stuart*<BR>Boe<BR>Pence<BR>Mitchell<BR>Sayler<BR>Martinez<BR>Ringo<BR>LeFavour<BR><BR>__________________________________________<BR><BR><STRONG>OTHER CONTACT INFO FOR KEY SENATORS (for writing thank you notes):<BR></STRONG><BR><STRONG>SENATORS WHO NEED MORE ENCOURAGEMENT (always be polite -- the only way to <BR>get their vote)<BR></STRONG><BR>Senator Shawn Keough , P.O. Box 101, Sandpoint, 83864. Home (208) 263-1839 <BR>Email to: <A href="mailto:skeough@senate.idaho.gov">skeough@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Bert Marley, 8806 S. Old Hwy. 91, McCammon, 83250. Home (208) <BR>254-3586; Bus (208) 254-3711. Email to: <A href="mailto:bmarley@senate.idaho.gov">bmarley@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Joyce Broadsword, 590 Heath Lake Rd, Sagle, 83860. Home (208) <BR>263-7735. Email to: <A href="mailto:jbroadsw@senate.idaho.gov">jbroadsw@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator John C. Andreason, 5120 N. Mountain View Dr., Boise, 83704. Home <BR>(208) 322-8558. Email to: <A href="mailto:jandreas@senate.idaho.gov">jandreas@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Brad Little, P.O. Box 488, Emmett, 83617-0488. Home (208) 365-6566; Bus (208) 365-4611 <BR>Email to: <A href="mailto:blittle@senate.idaho.gov">blittle@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Edgar J. Malepeai, 585 S. 19th, Pocatello, 83201. Home (208) 232-2038; Bus (208) <BR>237-1300 Email to: <A href="mailto:emalepea@senate.idaho.gov">emalepea@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator John W. Goedde, Coeur d'Alene, 525-B W. Harrison Ave., Coeur <BR>d'Alene, 83814. Home (208) 660-7663; Bus (208) 664-9223. Email to: <A href="mailto:jgoedde@senate.idaho.gov">jgoedde@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Joe Stegner, Republican, District 7, Lewiston 216 Prospect Blvd., Lewiston, 83501. Home (208) 743-3032. Email to: <A href="mailto:jstegner@senate.idaho.gov">jstegner@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Clint Stennett, P.O. Box 475, Ketchum, 83340. Home (208) 726-8106; Bus (208) 788-4504. Email to: <A href="mailto:cstennet@senate.idaho.gov">cstennet@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Gary Schroeder, 1289 Highland, Moscow, 83843. Home (208) 882-9092. Email to: <A href="mailto:gschroed@senate.idaho.gov">gschroed@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Chuck Coiner, 2138 Hillcrest Dr, Twin Falls, 83301. Home (208) 734-1675; Bus (208) 423-4015. <BR>Email to: <A href="mailto:ccoiner@senate.idaho.gov">ccoiner@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Dick Compton, P.O. Box 1738, Coeur d'Alene, 83816-1738. Home (208) 667-6912. <BR>Email to: <A href="mailto:dcompton@senate.idaho.gov">d<A href="mailto:dcompton@senate.idaho.gov">compton@senate.idaho.gov</A></A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Tom Gannon, 4180 N. 1572 E., Buhl, 83316. Home (208) 543-2330; Bus <BR>(208) 543-5125. Email to: <A href="mailto:tgannon@senateidaho.gov">tgannon@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Elliot Werk, 6810 Randolph Dr., Boise, 83709. Home (208) 373-0993; <BR>Bus (208) 658-0388. Email to: <A href="mailto:ewerk@senate.idaho.gov">ewerk@senate.idaho.gov</A> </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Kate Kelly, PO Box 654, Boise, 83701. Home (208) 344-2480. <BR>Email: <A href="mailto:kkelly@senate.idaho.gov">kkelly@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator David Langhorst, 3549 N Hyacinth Ln, Boise, 83714. Home (208) <BR>850-0182. Email: <A href="mailto:dlanghor@senate.idaho.gov">dlanghor@senate.idaho.gov</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Senator Mike Burkett, 1938 N. 17th St., Boise, 83702. Home (208) 384-9267.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><STRONG>NOTE: IT IS BEST TO CALL OR USE EMAIL.</STRONG><BR>___________________________<BR><BR><STRONG>TO GET MORE INVOLVED, PASS THIS ON and call friends, family or co-workers around Idaho to get them involved. THEN CALL or E-MAIL:</STRONG><BR><BR>Idaho Women's Network: 208 344-5738 (Lee) <BR>Email: <A href="mailto:leeflinn@rmci.net">leeflinn@rmci.net</A> or (Wendy) Email: <A href="mailto:wmorgan@rmci.net">wmorgan@rmci.net</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>ACLU of Idaho 208 344-9750 (Marty) <BR>Email: <A href="mailto:mdurand@acluidaho.org">mdurand@acluidaho.org</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Your Family Friends & Neighbors 208 344-4295 (Annie, Amy & Jim) <BR>Email: <A href="mailto:yffnboard@yffn.org">yffnboard@yffn.org</A></DIV> <DIV><BR>The Interfaith Alliance of Idaho (Pam Baldwin) <BR>Email: <A href="mailto:info@tiaidaho.org">info@tiaidaho.org</A><BR></DIV></BODY></HTML><br clear=all><hr>Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : <a href='http://explorer.msn.com'>http://explorer.msn.com</a><br></p>