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Dear visionaries -
<p>An explanation to the problem to which Ms. R. refers with respect to
"extra" or additional charges on VISA <u>debit</u> cards and overdrafts
on accounts, may be found by examining the incorrect or uneducated use
of a <i><u>debit/ convenience check</u></i> card as if it is a <i><u>credit
<p>It is my understanding that debit cards do not and cannot extend "credit"
or allow for charges beyond what is actually available in the checking
account. So, if a restaurant runs the charge through on a total,
and gets an authorization, if the customer then adds tips to the slip -
the amount exceeds the total authorized. When the slips are all deposited
by the merchant(s), and the amounts finally charged to an account exceed
the funds available, then who gets stuck??? While a small $5.00
tip on a single occurrence seems inconsequential, what happens when this
is replicated all over town by one customer - or multiplied by many customers
at a single venue?
<p>Perhaps there is someone out there lurking who can speak to this issue
beyond my minimal, basic knowledge. Seems to me that before jumping
to the throats of merchants who are providing services to our consuming
customers, and believing all that is seen "on-line," we should be having
a real live conversation with an individual at the bank - and learn what
the practice actually is. (just my opinion)
<p>Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and RELAXED holiday for all!
<p>Nance Ceccarelli
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