<font face="Times New Roman, Times">Dear VisionHeads:<br><br>
Pat Kraut has told us at least twice that people live in Blue States
because of the hand outs, so here is your answer, Pat. I've sent
the following letter to local papers:<br><br>
To the Editor:<br><br>
A recent book “The Great Divide: Retro vs. Metro” by John Sperling puts
the lie to comments that people live in Blue States because of government
handouts there. Contrary to widespread belief, no more than six
percent of Americans were ever on Aid to Dependent Children, the main
federal program.<br><br>
Here are some of Sperling’s points:<br>
<dl><font face="Symbol" size=2>
<dd>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">The
Red States have 35 percent of the population and 50 senators, while the
Blue States have 65 percent of the population and 50
senators.</font><font face="Symbol" size=2>
·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">Subsidized
industries (agriculture, oil, gas, etc.) dominate in the Red States and
nonsubsidized manufacturing, financial and information services dominate
in the Blue States.</font>
</dl><font face="Symbol" size=2>
·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">The
Reds pay 29 percent of federal tax while the Blues pay 71 percent.<br>
</font><font face="Symbol" size=2>
·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">From
1991 to 2001 the Reds received $800 billion more in goods, services, and
cash from the feds than it paid in taxes, while the Blues paid the feds
$1.4 trillion.<br>
</font><font face="Symbol" size=2>
·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">The
Reds have produced 23 Nobel Laureates in science and economics, while the
Blues have given us 235.<br>
</font><font face="Symbol" size=2>
·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">In
2004 39 states gave Kerry 1.5 million more votes than Bush, while 11
states (the heart of the Confederacy) gave 5 million more votes to
</font><font face="Symbol" size=2>
·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">Check
this graphic that shows the 2004 vote adjusted for the size of Red and
Blue populations: users.moscow.com/ngier/home/red&blue.htm.
John Edwards was correct to speak about two Americas, one that feeds at
the federal trough and one that thanklessly fills the trough.<br><br>
Nick Gier, Moscow<br><br>