Donovan et. al.<BR>
Some political wonks think the huge Federal deficit run up by the Bush administration and their cronies in the US Congress is a deliberate attempt to create a financial disaster that will necessitate radical slashing of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. It is no secret many ultra conservatives want to completely dismantle the New Deal. Once other countries decide that the US Federal debt is so far out of control they stop propping up our government with outside investment, which is a major factor allowing the Feds to run up this debt and get away with it, then we will see the demands for drastic downsizing of Federal social/medical programs in the climate of a financial emergency.<BR>
Maybe, maybe not.<BR>
But the professed attitudes of the Bush administration to put America first and not allow other nations or the United Nations to dictate our policies or actions appears to be contradicted by policies which are in effect selling our nation to other countries who are financing our Federal debt. Another issue of critical importance that gets scant attention, it seems.<BR>
Ted Moffett<BR>