Donovan et. al.<BR>
My point about the local blood drive discriminating towards non-Christians being a "paranoid" attitude is simply that if I announced at this blood drive that I was an Atheist, would they for this reason have turned me away? I can hear it now, "No Godless Satanic Blood Allowed! Be Gone Demon!" This would have been an interesting experiment.<BR>
Donovan wrote:<BR>
"PSS. Ted, smart Progressives are paranoid with Bush in office."<BR>
I object to calling fear of the Bush administration policies "paranoid." This suggests it is somehow pathological to feel this way. It is rational and factual to fear the Bush administration as they take away our civil rights and jeopardize the safety of the USA with their misguided and destructive policies in the War on Terror that actually have increased the risk of terrorism. Is it paranoid to fear a government that has involved us in a war that is killing and maiming thousands of Americans based on misguided false assumptions?<BR>
The people who are not fearful of the Bush administration have blinders on!<BR>
Ted Moffett<BR>