Pat, et. al.<BR>
I do not know of any ads against Bush that are gaining the traction and exposure in the media, that are generating the controversy that the "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth" ads are creating. Is it fair that Kerry is being charged with lying about his war medals, over and over in the media, during the run up to the election, while the questions about Bush's National Guard service, very serious questions regarding whether he skipped out on his obligations, etc., are receiving scant attention?<BR>
Anyway, the Swift Boat ads do not originate, officially, from the Republican party, so to compare these ads to ads the DNC is running, is comparing political ads from sources that are under different legal regulations for political advertising.<BR>
I'm not up on all the details of latest regulations regarding political advertising, but the Swift Boat Veterans ads are under different regulations than the ads the Republican party runs. These ads are somehow being supported and aired independently of the Republican party (wink, wink). There are charges that there are violations of the regulations regarding political advertising insofar as the Swift Boat Veteran ads involve connections to the Bush campaign and the Republican party that are not allowed under the new laws (McCain/Feingold?).<BR>
Ted Moffett</FONT></HTML>