<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>
<P>Hi Jack,</P>
<P>Glad you're back. Now that you are, can you clear up my confusion regarding your flyer comment? I asked you last week, but never heard back. </P>
<DIV></DIV>>From: "Jack Van Deventer" <jack@moscowUSA.com>
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: jack@moscowUSA.com
<DIV></DIV>>To: "'vision 2020'" <vision2020@moscow.com>
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: [Vision2020] Paul Kimmel and Doug Wilson
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 21:51:35 -0700
<DIV></DIV>>Where else but Venom 2020 could you have the following situation? A private
<DIV></DIV>>internal church document (which may have been stolen) is presented out of
<DIV></DIV>>context (indeed the lone sentence supposedly quoted was altered) by an
<DIV></DIV>>enraged Christ Church hater who doesn't have the integrity or courage to
<DIV></DIV>>identify himself (Captain Kirker). Yet, on this basis the Nasty Nine who
<DIV></DIV>>have ruined Vision 2020 are calling for Paul Kimmel's head on a platter.
<DIV></DIV>>Today, in truly paranoid fashion, Wayne Fox accused Ted Ryan of being Doug
<DIV></DIV>>Wilson and others voiced their concerns Christ Church will takeover CJ's,
<DIV></DIV>>The Beach, and Tidyman's. When will they realize that aliens intent on
<DIV></DIV>>taking over the world have begun their evil work by invading the bodies of
<DIV></DIV>>Christ Church members?
<DIV></DIV>>Hats off to Debbie Gray who wisely wrote:
<DIV></DIV>>"These constant Christ Church/Doug Wilson/Paul Kimmel/anyone with a
<DIV></DIV>>[different] opinion ad nauseum attacks are ugly. What are YOU doing to
<DIV></DIV>>improve anything in Moscow or for it's future?"
<DIV></DIV>>She's right on. Paul and Doug have worked for decades to make Moscow a
<DIV></DIV>>better place by building Moscow up. This they have done cheerfully, despite
<DIV></DIV>>the hate-filled snipers on Venom 2020.
<DIV></DIV>>Jack Van Deventer
<DIV></DIV>>-----Original Message-----
<DIV></DIV>>From: vision2020-bounces@moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces@moscow.com]
<DIV></DIV>>On Behalf Of Debbie Gray
<DIV></DIV>>Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 5:29 PM
<DIV></DIV>>To: vision 2020
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Re: oversight=authority?
<DIV></DIV>>I am curious why people are insistent that Paul Kimmel is a mindless
<DIV></DIV>>puppet of Doug Wilson. Of course people are influenced in many ways
<DIV></DIV>>by the people they associate with! I don't see anyone jumping all
<DIV></DIV>>over the Moscow Civic Association for having undue influence over
<DIV></DIV>>Nancy Cheney or John Dickinson (and this has nothing to do with them,
<DIV></DIV>>their decisions, etc. It's JUST an example). Perhaps Paul Kimmel or
<DIV></DIV>>Nancy Cheney, etc. hold certain views that are reflected BY the
<DIV></DIV>>people they associate with. That doesn't mean there is MIND CONTROL
<DIV></DIV>>going on. And wow, what would happen if we all got out of our little
<DIV></DIV>>superior silos and associated with each other? GASP!!! Imagine...
<DIV></DIV>>Also, regarding your example of domestic partnership benefits for
<DIV></DIV>>Latah County, I don't see that Paul Kimmel was going out on some wild
<DIV></DIV>>tangent that is so dissimilar to viewpoints of other republicans and
<DIV></DIV>>so incredibly obvious that he was not making a decision of his own.
<DIV></DIV>>Just because you don't agree with something does not make it: 1.EVIL;
<DIV></DIV>>2. The result of mind control; or 3. WRONG. This whole conflict over
<DIV></DIV>>gay marriage should plainly illustrate that to you. Some people
<DIV></DIV>>oppose it, some people support it. Does everyone that oppose it
<DIV></DIV>>belong to Christ Church? No. Does everyone that belongs to Christ
<DIV></DIV>>Church oppose? Perhaps, but I don't think Mr. Wilson speaks for
<DIV></DIV>>everyone. Perhaps they chose that church because it comes CLOSEST to
<DIV></DIV>>what they believe, not necessarily that they are in lock-step with
<DIV></DIV>>that particular persons opinions. I know I have belonged to various
<DIV></DIV>>organizations that I support because I agree with the majority of
<DIV></DIV>>their ideas, that doesn't mean I agree with everything they do. Think
<DIV></DIV>>of Greenpeace or Sierra Club or things like that. I like a lot of
<DIV></DIV>>what they have accomplished but I don't necessarily support every
<DIV></DIV>>single activity they undertake. But who else would I donate money or
<DIV></DIV>>time or whatever to in order to make those activities I like happen?
<DIV></DIV>>These constant Christ Church/Doug Wilson/Paul Kimmel/anyone with a
<DIV></DIV>>difft opinion ad nauseum attacks are ugly. What are YOU doing to
<DIV></DIV>>improve anything in Moscow or for it's future? So what if Christ
<DIV></DIV>>Church opens a religious trinkets store in the perhaps vacant CJ's?
<DIV></DIV>>If there is no market for it, it won't last. If there is a market,
<DIV></DIV>>who are you to judge whether it should be there or not. It's not like
<DIV></DIV>>they are selling illicit drugs or child porn. Would you rather have
<DIV></DIV>>all those businesses vacant? I don't believe in or support things
<DIV></DIV>>that Christ Church (or any other religion, they're all cults to me)
<DIV></DIV>>has as their charter. However, I'd much rather have a vital downtown
<DIV></DIV>>that will attract and impress residents and visitors instead of a
<DIV></DIV>>dead and dusty downtown with only room for tie dye shops, incense
<DIV></DIV>>shops, tattoo parlors, etc.
<DIV></DIV>>I agree with Tom Hudson's question: What are you individually or as a
<DIV></DIV>>group doing to improve your town (besides obsessively compulsively
<DIV></DIV>>googling things about Doug Wilson)? Is there nothing else in this
<DIV></DIV>>community that inspires you to action (actions, not words and endless
<DIV></DIV>>email debates)?
<DIV></DIV>>Debbie Gray
<DIV></DIV>> List services made available by First Step Internet,
<DIV></DIV>> serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
<DIV></DIV>> http://www.fsr.net
<DIV></DIV>> mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com
<DIV></DIV>><< winmail.dat >>
<DIV></DIV>> List services made available by First Step Internet,
<DIV></DIV>> serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
<DIV></DIV>> http://www.fsr.net
<DIV></DIV>> mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com