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<P>Well, like me John clicked on the link at the bottom of the Novak article. Like me, it looks like he may not have checked any further.</P>
<P>It looks to me that Ms. Malkin occupies the same position as Dinesh D'Souza. As an East Indian, D'Souza can make statements that I consider racist, that would almost certainly be labelled racist if made by a white American, but it's okay, you see, because he's not white himself, so how could he be racist? </P>
<P>Let me now jump up and down and say that Damn Right Indians can be racist too, and we shouldn't get a free ride. I'm not saying that Malkin is a racist, and I honestly don't know if D'Souza is either. I was unable to get past page 10, I think, when I tried to read his 'The End of Racism,' so I cannot judge him. I will say that I disagree with his thesis, that racism essentially does not exist in the US any more. </P>
<P>I do think that it is easier for Malkin as an Asian-American to defend the internment camps precisely because of her ethnicity than it would be for a white. And I think it's silly to pretend that racism had nothing to do with the treatment of the Japanese during the war. </P>
<P>Malkin is a wonderful tool for those who want to embrace racial profiling at this time, and I am sure she understands and embraces this. I think D'Souza has made a career out of being a conservative Asian, one I've been following since 1980.</P>
<DIV></DIV>>From: "David Douglas" <ddouglas@pacsim.com>
<DIV></DIV>>To: "'John Danahy'" <jdanahy@turbonet.com>, <vision2020@moscow.com>
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Kerry's Faked War Wounds: Opinion notnormallyseenonV2020
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 09:26:09 -0400
<DIV></DIV>>You write: "Just another white supremist blathering away."
<DIV></DIV>>Which "other white supremist" are you referring to?
<DIV></DIV>> <http://www.townhall.com/columnists/BIOS/cbmalkin.html>
<DIV></DIV>>David Douglas