Wayne et. al.<BR>
I was just listening to Liddy on AM talk radio. He was interviewing someone about a new book detailing Kerry's alleged faking of his war wounds and medals, etc. This story that is being repeated over and over could do serious damage to Kerry. Is it true? I don't really know, but with all the surviving members of his own boat crew by his side supporting him in his courage and valor in battle, someone either is lying big time or has pathological memory problems.<BR>
Most of us know about the AM talk radio conservative propaganda machine, but to listen to it in detail, from Rush to Hannity, Liddy to Savage, Laura Ingram to Matalin, is to realize the power of centralized nationwide media. Air American Radio is like a tiny mouse peeping next to a roaring lion compared to the conservative nationwide AM talk radio machine.<BR>
Ted Moffett</FONT></HTML>