Trivialities perhaps. <BR>
But the issue is how these incidents are laundered through the media/political spin machine, and how this reflects attempts to manipulate public opinion using incidents that distract us from other issues, etc. I would not be surprised if Bush's daughter's antics were not calculated for effect on his campaign, to make Bush seem more like a regular parent with mischievous kids, just like us regular Joe Six Pack folks.<BR>
And on this "personality appeal" political spin subject, why do we hear in the media about W. Bush being a guy it would be fun to have a beer with, while John Kerry would not be so fun, is not so much "one of the boys." This same line of nonsense was trotted out when W. Bush ran against Gore. Who gives a flying flock whether the leader of the most powerful nation of earth is fun to have a beer with? I know many people who are fun to drink with but I would cringe in horror if they became President.<BR>
Ted Moffett<BR>