Cobb is an unknown who will not pull 1% of the vote. Nader, if on the ballot in enough states, has the following and recognition to gain over 1%, and hamper Kerry's chances. But the Republicans may promote any and all candidates who will pull votes away from Kerry, especially in an election expected to be split down the middle. They have the money to blow, that's for sure!<BR>
Some think Nader does not sincerely want to serve in government. He must know his aims at the presidency are impossible, though he can argue he runs to educate people, push his ideas onto the democratic platform, and advocate alternative politics. <BR>
He might very well succeed in a run for US Congress in some areas of the US, or for state government office The fact he does not attempt this implies perhaps the critics are correct. He does not really want to serve in government. <BR>
He is happier being the rogue outsider harassing the powers that be.<BR>
Ted Moffett</FONT></HTML>