[Vision2020] English Translation Re: Italy "Fridays for Future" Re: Gazprom

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Sat May 28 21:11:11 PDT 2022

I used Google language translation years ago, and it was questionable.
This function now appears scary good!

Google translated one of the web links' content in the post: Italy "Fridays
for Future" Re: Gazprom, as the following:

Search on Fridays for Future. Why is Gazprom so powerful in Italy?

"We are perplexed to learn of the search that took place yesterday in Milan
in the homes of three young climate activists. Their homes were searched,
mobile phones and clothes were seized. We also read that they would be
asked to undress and do push-ups. The search request, which came following
a complaint by Gazprom after the protest against the Russian gas
multinational by thousands of young people and students of Fridays for
Future on the day of the global strike for climate justice on March 25, is
an obvious intimidating act with the aim of gagging the ecological
movement, " write in a note Angelo Bonelli and Eleonora Evi, national
co-spokesmen of Green Europe, together with the deputy Cristian Romaniello,
President of the Green Europe-European Greens component in the Chamber.

"If the events were to be confirmed, - they continue, - it would be of an
unprecedented gravity. Our parliamentarians will therefore present a
question to the Government so as to clarify the course of the facts".

"To the young activists, all our support and solidarity go. Those who
demonstrate to reiterate concern about the use of fossil fuels, which have
a devastating effect on global warming, can only find our closeness. The
Government should clarify what happened," conclude Bonelli, Evi and
Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett

On Sat, May 28, 2022 at 8:50 PM Ted Moffett <starbliss at gmail.com> wrote:

> Europa Verde - Verdi on Twitter: "A #Milano, la polizia ha perquisito dei
> giovani attivisti per il #clima a seguito di una denuncia di #Gazprom dopo
> la contestazione dei #FFF. Può Gazprom mettere il bavaglio al movimento
> ecologista? @AngeloBonelli1 @EleonoraEvi @C_Romaniello 👇
> https://t.co/1SqWKTX2TY https://t.co/32qkZQQIcU" / Twitter
> <https://twitter.com/europaverde_it/status/1527614973664497665/photo/1>
> [image: image.png]
> ---------------------------------------
> Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
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