[Vision2020] This should have been Trivia 16, Trivia 25 Religious trivia answers
lfalen at turbonet.com
Fri Sep 25 17:45:41 PDT 2015
>-----Original Message-----
>Subject: [Vision2020] Trivia 25 Religious trivia
>From: lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Date: 09/25/15 04:44:38
>Who was the first Pope? Peter, according to Catholics. This is disputed by some others.
>What religion was founded in Moscow, Idaho in the early 1900? Phychiana founded by Frank Robinson
>When did the first separation in the Christian Church occur? Around the year 1000. The Eastern Orthodox split of from the Western Catholic Church
>Who was the founder of the American Lutheran Church? Henry Mahlenbery in 1742
>Who was the founder of the Methodist Church? John and Charles Westley
>Who was the founder of Christian Science? Mary Baker Eddy early 1900;s
>Who was the founder of the Church of England? Augustine of Caterbury
>Who was the founder of Jehovah Witness? Charles Taze Russel 1872
>Who was the founder of the Mennonites ? Menno Simons
>Who was the founder of the Amish? Jakob Amman They broke away from the Mennonites
>Who was the founder of the Hutterites? Jacob Hutter 1500-1536 There is a colony in Washington State and one in Calgary.
When I was in the feed business, I sold the dairy feed. They make a real good Rhubarb Wine.
>Who was the founder of The Church of the Nazarene? Phineas F. Besee 1908
>Who was the founder of the Unitarian Church? Francis David in Transylvania 16thg century
>Who was the founder of the Presbyterian Church? John Knox
>Who was the founder of the Quakers? George Fox 160101700
>Who was the founder of the Shakers? Ann Lee 1774 Their official name is United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearance.
>Ralph Nielsen is free to correct any of my answers as he is a better biblical authority.
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