[Vision2020] Syrian Refugees
Nicholas Gier
ngier006 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 10:38:40 PST 2015
What a wonderful gesture, Rose! I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I
hope that local initiatives such as this become a national movement.
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Rose Huskey <rosejhuskey at gmail.com> wrote:
> This morning I sent the letter below to city council members and Latah
> County Commissioners. If you share my concern please contact members of
> the Council and Board of Commissioners to offer to help. Recent comments
> on V2020 and from various political groups across Idaho and the country
> need to be counter with human decency and compassion. ‘
> Thank you.
> Rose Huskey
> >>>>>>>>>>
> 'rwalser at latah.id.us'; 'tlamar at latah.id.us'; 'Dave McGraw'; '
> abettge at ci.moscow.id.us'; 'jboland at ci.moscow.id.us'; '
> dcarscallen at ci.moscow.id.us'; 'wkrauss at ci.moscow.id.u'; '
> wmsteed at ci.moscow.id.us'; 'jweber at ci.moscow.id.us'; 'ktbonzo at yahoo.com'
> Good Morning Mayor Lambert, City Council Members Art Bettge, Jon Boland,
> Dan Carscallen, Wayne Krauss, Walter Steed, John Weber, Council woman elect
> Kathryn Bonzo and
> Latah County Commissioners Richard Walser, Tom Lamar, and Dave McGraw,
> We have all watched with concern the horrendous plight of Syrian refugees
> trying to escape their war torn country. As winter approaches their living
> conditions become immeasurably worse. While we enjoy relatively
> comfortable lives in northern Idaho distraught Syrian parents are gathering
> what goods they can carry and with their children begin a journey that only
> desperation could persuade them to attempt it. Who among us would risk the
> lives of our family members in an overcrowded rubber dingy on Spring Valley
> Reservoir for six or eight hours in a wind storm, let alone days on a
> turbulent ocean? I don’t believe any of us would begin a journey on foot in
> the cold and rain to walk to Boise with a three year old and an infant in
> arms. If somehow we survived the long and miserable trek, how would we
> cope with the sickening knowledge that when we arrived few Boise residents
> would welcome us or our babies? Thousands of people are struggling to
> survive a much longer and far more perilous journey this very day on
> courage and hope alone. How can we turn our backs on them?
> I propose that the City of Moscow and Latah County declare this county and
> town a sanctuary for Syrian refugees. Can we invite at least ten families
> (more would be better) to share our homes, to live with peace and security
> while they begin a new life with our support and encouragement?
> I acknowledge there are many challenges in choosing this path. But, we are
> fortunate in having resources that few small communities enjoy. Moscow is
> a university town with a student body rich in cultural diversity. Members
> of the Muslim student organization at the University of Idaho and the local
> Islamic Center might be willing to assist in acclimating recent Syrian
> arrivals to Northern Idaho. The same students or community members may be
> willing to educate us in culture and language so that that we would be
> prepared to respectfully help our guests in their transition. Many of our
> public school teachers have experience in teaching international students.
> Other cities in Idaho, notably Boise and Twin Falls, are developing
> programs that will welcome Syrian refugees. I ask you, as elected leaders
> of the city and county to appoint (or select volunteer) citizens of Latah
> county and members of city and county government to form an exploratory
> committee and learn what Moscow needs to do to prepare to host Syrian
> families. Could you report back to community and county residents in early
> January so that we can support and bring to fruition this much needed
> program?
> Sincerely,
> Rose Huskey
> 1738 Genesee Troy Road
> Moscow, Idaho 83843
> rosejhuskey at gmail.com
> =======================================================
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> serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
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A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they
shall never sit in.
-Greek proverb
“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity.
Immaturity is the inability to use one’s understanding without guidance
from another. This immaturity is self- imposed when its cause lies not in
lack of understanding, but in lack of resolve and courage to use it without
guidance from another. Sapere Aude! ‘Have courage to use your own
understand-ing!—that is the motto of enlightenment.
--Immanuel Kant
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