[Vision2020] The Back Story

Rosemary Huskey donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
Mon Jun 30 05:56:51 PDT 2014

Hi Scott,


Many of us find Doug and his cronies intolerable for well-founded reasons.
Years ago, when I first became aware of the non-theological extent of Doug's
nastiness (except for gender he is an absolute clone of a Mean Girl on
steroids)  a friend and I began to learn more, a great deal more, about
daily life in the Kirk.  Of course there was the pedophilia scandals, the
spiritual abuse, etc.  which was/is just the tip of the iceberg. It seemed
unlikely to us that his swaggering, bullyish behavior was limited to his
flock.  And, of course it isn't.  Doug Wilson's disdain toward democratic
(please note small d) government, public schools, equal
treatment/opportunity regardless of gender or sexual orientation,  in short
his loving embrace of the daily antics of a petty, ignorant, tyrant, is
ongoing.  Everyone has the right to be an ignorant jackass, but when that
jackass mixes politics with the pulpit
(and dares the government to make a case of his right to free speech) he
becomes problematic for the larger community.  The truth is Doug can and
does deliver a significant voting block and it matters locally.  Everyone
has the right to counsel but when the counsel in the Sitler pedophile case
represented Steven Sitler and the victim's families all of whom were members
(or closely affiliated ) with the church, (i,e, Steven Sitler, his parents,
the victims, the victims parents, the defense attorney, the family attorney,
and Doug (at the center of the web counseling Steven) do you really think
that constellation, the confession, and the plea deal (and the subsequent
arranged marriage) was accidental?  


Several years ago I received a copy of an author's contract between Doug and
Cannon Press.  At the time I was challenging the tax exempt status of Canon
Press.  Among the significant features of my complaint was the
disproportionate percentage of books authored by Wilson family members,
particularity Doug and his wife. (My argument included the claim that a
vanity press for family members didn't fall under the umbrella of tax exempt
status.)  Doug was receiving a much higher percentage from the sale of his
book than the usual author's standard in most publishing houses.  A few days
after that information became public I received a "request" from a Moscow
Police Department officer to drop by and "talk" to him about how I had
acquired the contract.  Doug filed a complaint against me alleging that I
had broken into his office and stolen a copy of the contract.  What a silly
man.  I had not, and still have not, ever been in Anselm House and I
certainly did not steal anything from him.  (And, for the record, neither
did the person who provided the contract to me.)  The complaint was dropped
soon after my chat with the police (and my hiring of a highly recommended
local attorney).


Two members of Doug's inner circle were/remain in a position to know about
and reveal prescriptions that local people receive from their physicians.
Clearly, they do not hesitate to do so.  If you forget or fail to give
credence to Doug's philosophy that he and his flock are literally at war
with those of us who disagree with his theology, political perspective,
understanding of gender roles, and  gleeful mocking of GLBT people, you do
so at your own peril.  While Doug may have learned that revealing privileged
information in public venues is not a productive tactic for his elders or
himself, don't ever believe that the flow of highly personal information has
stopped.  Since you don't live in Moscow, Scott, that is something that
probably does not cause you concern.


I speak out against Doug because he is a sneering, self-entitled, grandiose,
perpetually adolescent,  delusional, bully who attacks the most vulnerable
amongst us.  And, I can't abide a bully.   All of us make mistakes, speak
out of turn, misunderstand events, or misread other's intentions at times.
Nonetheless, when a consistent pattern of really awful behavior is apparent
to many of us, (not the least of whom are former or current church members,
Logos or NSA students) it is prudent and frankly, fair, that those actions
are publicly and frequently tied to the person and his philosophy.  I think
it's foolish and shortsighted to ignore him or his toadies because of their
negative impact on our community.  From chattel slavery, to subservient
wives, from cruel and insulting jibes at the gay community (which is ironic
when one considers some congregational circumstances) to his love of
patriarchy, Doug has secured an elevated place in the hearts of equally
delusional bigots locally and across the country.   But to let him, and the
myriad of start up business that supply jobs to his loyal lieutenants, trot
through life with nary a "correctional' perspective from community members
would be folly - and one that I will never commit.



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