[Vision2020] The largest company by revenue in every state

Kenneth Marcy kmmos1 at frontier.com
Tue Jun 24 02:27:57 PDT 2014

On 6/23/2014 8:46 PM, Steven Basoa wrote:
> Ken, the reason Idaho is so close to the bottom is simple.  It is all the fault of the liberal anti-business Moscow city council of the late 1990's-early 2000's.  Why, Idaho is still reeling from all the damage they did…

Oh, goodness gracious, with such a familiar liturgy, can the collection 
plate be far behind?  The restless nightmare suggests not, but more 
wakeful examination reveals an under-tutored message that garbles the 
communication that needs to be accomplished.  The most important product 
produced from within the jurisdiction of the Moscow City Council is a 
steady stream of University of Idaho graduates who have, for over a 
century, been the single most important non-monetary resource for the 
economy of the territory and the state of Idaho.  By providing a stable 
municipal environment within which the University's faculties and 
students may work together to produce more graduates, the Moscow City 
Council has been, and continues to be, one of the more productive 
engines of civic assistance the state enjoys.

A more appropriate answer to the original question will consider the 
orders of magnitudes of investment currencies necessary to achieve the 
required levels of success.


> On Jun 23, 2014, at 7:42 PM, Kenneth Marcy <kmmos1 at frontier.com> wrote:
> Here is some interesting information via the Washington Post: a list of the biggest company in each state of the union.
> Here is a link to an United States map showing the corporate symbol of the largest company by revenue in every state.
> Below the map is a list sorted by state name with the revenue of the largest company in that state.
> Since Idaho is touted to be such a business-friendly state, why is it fourteenth from the bottom in the list sorted by revenues?
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/06/23/map-the-largest-company-by-revenue-in-every-state/?tid=pm_politics_pop
> Ken

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