[Vision2020] The Party of no?
Scott Dredge
scooterd408 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 6 15:54:34 PDT 2014
'Litigation Against President - Adoption - Vote Passed (225-201, 6 Not Voting), Idaho Rep. Raul Labrador voted YES' is quite ridiculous and as I understand unprecedented. Boehner is going to sue the Obama administration for allegedly failing "to act in a manner consistent with that official's duties under the Constitution and laws of the United States"?
Seems like this could open the floodgates for every branch suing every other branch for not carrying out their 'duty' of towing the party line of their opponents.
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2014 15:21:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] The Party of no?
From: moscowlocksmith at gmail.com
To: scooterd408 at hotmail.com
CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
Well by golly the scales have fallen from my eyes! To think that to become the party of yes all that needed to be done was a simple renunciation of outdated conservative principles and values (as little as they still had) and a little heart felt prostration before the alter of The One. Who knew?
On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Scott Dredge <scooterd408 at hotmail.com> wrote:
GARY!! You just don't get it. You don't. The Republicans are 'the party of no' because they don't embrace and push the agenda of President Obama who obviously has a mandate of the masses considering he was twice elected fairly and squarely (unlike George W. Bush who was appointed by the Republican controlled Supreme Court).
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2014 10:54:18 -0700
From: moscowlocksmith at gmail.com
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] The Party of no?
Oops, lets try that a little different:
August 4, 2014
In this MegaVote for Idaho's 1st Congressional District:Recent Congressional Votes
Senate: McDonald Nomination - Confirmation
Senate: Veterans Benefits - Conference Report
Senate: Highway Trust Fund Reauthorization - Motion to Recede House: Veterans Benefits - Conference Report
House: Litigation Against President - Adoption
House: Supplemental Border Appropriations - PassageEditor's Note: Both chambers are in recess until the week of September 8.
Recent Senate VotesMcDonald Nomination - Confirmation - Vote Confirmed (97-0, 3 Not Voting)
The Senate voted to confirm President Barack Obama's nomination of Robert Alan McDonald of Ohio to be secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sen. Michael Crapo voted YES
Sen. Jim Risch voted YES
Veterans Benefits - Conference Report - Vote Agreed to (91-3, 6 Not Voting)
The Senate voted to adopt the conference report on a bill that would provide for $10 billion in emergency spending for care at non-Veterans Affairs facilities and allow veterans to obtain health care at such facilities if they live more than 40 miles from a VA clinic or can't get an appointment at a VA clinic within 30 days. It would provide for $5 billion in spending for expedited authority to hire more doctors, nurses and other health care professionals and would authorize leases for the opening of 27 new VA health facilities. The bill is cleared for the president’s signature.
Sen. Michael Crapo voted YES
Sen. Jim Risch voted YES
Highway Trust Fund Reauthorization - Motion to Recede - Vote Agreed to (81-13, 6 Not Voting)
The Senate voted to agree to a motion to recede from the Senate amendment and thus clear for the president’s signature a bill that would reauthorize the federal-aid highway and transit programs for eight months, through May 31, 2015, and transfer $10.8 billion in other federal funds to the Highway Trust Fund to cover projected trust fund shortfalls.
Sen. Michael Crapo voted YES
Sen. Jim Risch voted YES
Recent House VotesVeterans Benefits - Conference Report - Vote Passed (420-5, 7 Not Voting)
The House voted to suspend the rules and adopt the conference report on a bill that would authorize $10 billion in emergency spending for care at non-Veterans Affairs facilities and allow veterans to obtain health care at such facilities if they live more than 40 miles from a VA clinic or can't get an appointment at a VA clinic within 30 days. It would provide $5 billion for expedited authority to hire more doctors, nurses and other health care professionals and would authorize leases for the opening of 27 new VA health facilities.
Rep. Raul Labrador voted YES
Litigation Against President - Adoption - Vote Passed (225-201, 6 Not Voting)
The House voted to adopt a resolution that would authorize the speaker of the House to file a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of the House against the president and other administration officials for failing "to act in a manner consistent with that official's duties under the Constitution and laws of the United States" to implement provisions of the 2010 health care overhaul or related laws.
Rep. Raul Labrador voted YES
Supplemental Border Appropriations - Passage - Vote Passed (223-189, 20 Not Voting)
The House voted to pass a bill that would provide $694 million for federal agencies involved in border control and the housing and care of unaccompanied migrant children apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border for the rest of fiscal 2014, including $405 million for Homeland Security Department border security and law enforcement activities.
Rep. Raul Labrador voted YES
On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 9:33 AM, Gary Crabtree <moscowlocksmith at gmail.com> wrote:
megavote at mailmanager.net
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