[Vision2020] Another Dangerous, Illconceived Enterprise

Nicholas Gier ngier006 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 09:28:48 PDT 2013

Good Morning Visionaries:

Thank you, Rose, for your detailed analysis of the fraud that is
biblical counseling a la Christ Church.

I've had several people call me after visiting Mr. Lawyer.  What they
have described to me can only be categorized as sadistic abuse. The
typical response in that when the clients do not "come around," they
are accused of not being real Christians or under the influence of
Satan. These people have also told me that they fear that Lawyer has
shared their private information with others. They are of course
devastated and disillusioned.

More than ever proud to be an Intolerista,


On 9/24/13, Saundra Lund <v2020 at ssl1.fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Thanks, Rose, for this detailed, documented, and in-depth post about this
> latest Kirk . . . I was going to call it silliness, but I don't think a
> potentially lethal folly qualifies as mere silliness.
> There is much that could be said for the stupidity of, basically, the
> apparent "I done learned from a box of Cracker Jacks to counsel sinners who
> are suffering because they are sinners" approach, but I'll confine myself
> to
> just two points.
> First, I'll pray for any of God's children who are duped into this free
> "Biblical Counseling" racket and deceived into thinking Lawyer and/or any
> of
> his toadies are qualified to do anything other than violate
> confidentiality.
> But, I guess Idaho is a great place for that racket since "we" as a Red
> state don't give a rip about mental health - after all, those needing
> mental
> health support are in the "already born" category, and "we" don't care
> about
> them, do we?
> Second, I'm dismayed that yet another segment of this community thinks
> victim blaming is appropriate.  It's reprehensible, ungodly, and definitely
> unchristian . . . but I suppose we've learned to expect nothing more from
> the Kirk, haven't we?
> Saundra Lund
> Moscow, ID
> Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child
> as
> it is to the caterpillar.
> ~ Bradley Miller
> From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
> On Behalf Of Rosemary Huskey
> Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2013 11:13 AM
> To: office at christkirk.com; 'vision 2020'
> Subject: [Vision2020] Another Dangerous, Illconceived Enterprise
> Greetings  Csaba Leidenfrost, Gordon Wilson, Matt Gray, John Carnahan,
> Jeremy Bunch, Bill Church, Ed Iverson, John Grauke, Wes Struble, John
> Sawyer, Dale Courtney, Ben Merkle, Douglas Wilson, Mike Lawyer, Jim Nance,
> Matt Meyer
> I write this letter to you through the office of Mike Lawyer, assistant to
> Doug Wilson, and also to Vision 2020, a community chat group.  I am using
> both venues because it is possible that this letter may not be forwarded to
> you by Mike Lawyer or Doug Wilson but perhaps a non-Kirk neighbor or
> associate will be kind enough to send you a copy.  Because I understand the
> role you play in the governance of Christ Church it is right and fair that
> you know what I have to say to and about you. In a sense it is a private
> communication but I also believe that non Kirk members of our shared
> community (frankly, my primary concern) benefit from an understanding of
> who
> you are, and how your attitudes, values, and behavior impact those of us
> who
> are not members of your church.
> After many years of studying your blogs and literature (I use the latter
> term in the broadest sense of the word), witnessing your direct and
> indirect
> machinations in city and county government as elected officials and
> petitioners, and noting your involvement in judicial matters on behalf of
> convicted felons who are/were church members my level of concern about the
> damage you do has escalated, based in part on the swaggering, arrogant
> remarks below.
> "There are certain moves, certain strategies, certain plans, certain ways
> of
> thinking, that are God
> <http://dougwils.com/s7-engaging-the-culture/deception-and-the-culture-war.h
> tml> 's version of the purloined letter. God hides some of His best work in
> plain sight. So should we."
> <http://dougwils.com/s7-engaging-the-culture/deception-and-the-culture-war.h
> tml> Deception and the Culture War  Posted on
> <http://dougwils.com/s7-engaging-the-culture/deception-and-the-culture-war.h
> tml> Friday, July 12, 2013 by  <http://dougwils.com/author/admin> Douglas
> Wilson
> Surely members, deacons, and elders of Christ Church do not include the
> Center for Biblical Counseling among the best works of the Kirk.  Indeed,
> how could they?  Like so many of your ventures this one appears to be
> grounded in what I refer to as the Mickey Rooney School of Fun and Frolics.
> That is, all it takes to have a successful show (school, business, idea) is
> grandpa's barn (Anselm House in this instance), a Judy Garlandesque
> sidekick
> (the Greyfriar acolytes and Biblical Counseling trainees), and a desire to
> be on center stage (an ever present component of Kirkish manliness).
> Mickey Rooney, whatever his short comings (no pun intended) was a trained
> performer. In contrast, Mike Lawyer has an undergraduate degree in
> Philosophy, and two theological degrees.  His terminal degree, D. Min.,
> would be laughable if it didn't provide pseudo-credentials that imply more
> than they deliver. A Doctor of Ministry, or D. Min. for Mr. Lawyer required
> <http://www.wts.edu/2013-2014catalog/degree_programs/dmin/program_length_and
> _time_limit.html> "eight week-long modules of course work or the
> equivalent,
> and [completion of] an Applied Research Project."  This is far less
> supervised work and academic training than a licensed hair dresser in Idaho
> <http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/idstat/Title54/T54CH8SECT54-805.htm>  is
> required to have. A total of eight weeks spent on campus over a six year
> period and some supplementary study at home is not an academic program.
> The
> counseling emphasis of the D.Min. degree offered by Westminster Seminary,
> not surprisingly, emphasizes biblical theory and application
> <http://www.wts.edu/2013-2014catalog/course_descriptions/dminmodules.html>
> in place of  a broad academic background with an emphasis on course work
> leading toward professional licensing.  A comparison of a Master's level
> program (not a doctoral degree) in Counseling at Idaho State University
> <http://www.isu.edu/hpcounsl/documents/MHC%20PPS.pdf>  demonstrates the
> sharp contrast between the programs.  And, that is my point, why is it that
> a counseling license or an elementary/secondary teaching certificate from a
> regionally accredited college or university are unimportant in the world of
> Kirk?   It is my sense that in an effort to cover (with some exceptions) a
> lack of academic credentials (which offers at least a modicum of
> credibility) you pretend that professional standards can/should/must be
> brushed aside in favor of ego and a false sense of aptitude.  Why is it
> that
> you always seek out and celebrate the lowest common denominator instead of
> acknowledging and striving after true excellence?
> Mike Lawyer feels confident that through the "gifts of the Holy Spirit" he
> can help his clients confront and defeat the following
> <http://www.cbcmoscow.com/counseling/information-about-counseling/> "sins"
> if they are truly prayerful and repentant.
> *	Marriage and Family Problems
> *	Divorce and remarriage
> *	Anger
> *	Anxiety
> *	Depression
> *	Decision-making
> *	Fear and panic
> *	Grief and suffering
> *	Drug and alcohol addiction
> *	Pornography
> *	Homosexuality / Lesbianism
> *	Attempted suicide
> *	Financial problems
> *	Other life-dominating problems
> It seems absurd to have to point out, that sin is NOT the cause of mental
> illness and emotional problems.  If faith healing for mental health issues
> has become the Kirk's preferred treatment of choice, why in the world
> haven't you all renounced Calvinism in favor of a) pilgrimages to Fatima;
> b) Christian Science;  or, c) the introduction of snake handling and poison
> drinking as proof of your faith and God's mercy at Sunday worship service?
> (Let's hear it for option "c." Doug could lead the congregation in his
> special rendition of Sweet Home Alabama with a diamond back rattlesnake
> dangling from either hand. I'd love to watch that dog and pony show.  And
> it
> makes just as much sense as Mike Lawyer's et al pretend counseling routine.
> However, and there is always a however, if one is a clever boots with an
> eye
> for a legal way out of a potentially tight situation, there is a little
> paper work
> <https://christchurchmoscow.wufoo.com/forms/counseling-application-personal-
> info-agreement/>  Mr. Lawyer's potential clients must complete prior to
> being accepted into "treatment." (Additional application forms may be found
> here
> <https://christchurchmoscow.wufoo.com/forms/application-for-counseling/> .)
> The disclaimers are adroitly worded so he and his "students" avoid any
> liability or responsibility for outcomes.  In particular, a client must
> agree, with the following premises (note: all bolding is mine and is not
> found in the original text):
> that Mr. Lawyer and his cohorts are not licensed nor considered
> professional
> counselors in Idaho;  (does this excuse them from the "burden" of
> professional ethics and conduct since they aren't professionals ?)
> that they (Mr. Lawyer and his cohorts)  may lack any specialized training
> in
> psychology;
> that counselors-in-training
> <http://www.cbcmoscow.com/training/counseling-in-a-week/>  (which could
> theoretically include members of the public who pay $60 to take Mr. Lawyers
> week long Train to Be A Counselor course) may sit in on and thus be privy
> to
> the intimate details of the client's struggles;
> that the sessions will or may be audio recorded and retained (securely  -
> whatever that means) by Mr. Lawyer;
> that the bible (and presumably, Mr. Lawyer understanding of the text) is
> the
> final authority on all counseling related issues; (does that mean a angry
> husband gets to stone his adulterous wife? or kill his rebellious child?)
> that the client will be exhorted (and expected?) to confess and ask
> forgiveness  from those he/she has sinned against;
> that, information obtained during counseling may be released to church
> leadership including elders and small group leaders which will allow them
> to
> "shepherd" the client appropriately ; (how's that for ultimate power
> unleased??)
> that solutions for all problems in life are found in the Bible,
> that the client agrees not [to] seek redress of grievances associated with
> the counseling process or disputes associated with the process thru the
> secular legal system but only through the church of which they are a
> member,
> and that they "agree not to hold the counselor and/or Christ Church and its
> leadership financially or legally responsible for the results of the
> counsel
> provided or for any decisions I (the client) make based on that counsel."
> The long and the short of this is that a client's most intimate problems
> could be, and have been, discussed by ministers, elders, small group
> leaders
> (which by the very vagueness of the term could include every aspect and
> level of church membership).  And, you know that that is a true and
> accurate
> statement. I think a billboard on the south couplet out of town would be
> nearly as confidential - after all, not every citizen in Moscow heads
> towards Lewiston on a regular basis.
> More importantly to you as elders, it is no doubt a comfort that no matter
> how wretched the outcome or how grave the consequence of Mr. Lawyer's
> counseling, neither he nor Christ Church will likely be found financially
> responsible.  Moral responsibility is an entirely different kettle of fish,
> isn't it?
> You may avoid individual and corporate responsibility for this wildly
> irresponsible project of Mr. Lawyer, but what will your response be when
> (not if) violence or harm comes to a confused, depressed, mentally ill,
> perhaps schizophrenic or sociopathic client or others who must interact
> with
> them?  Do you really think that Mr. Lawyer is in a position to competently
> conduct and arrive at a sophisticated clinical diagnosis or even to
> knowledgably assess each and every client's emotional status?  Do you even
> begin to understand how outsiders may view your sponsorship of ill-trained
> clinical practitioners? Is the voyeuristic desire to stick your collective
> noses into the private affairs of others so overwhelming (or so handy for
> dossier collection) that you, without a moment's reflection applaud this
> sordid sideline business?  What happens when one of Mr. Lawyer's trainees
> (with an official looking Kirk endorsed certificate in hand) commits an
> egregious offense and blames it on the training received at Christ Church?
> You may enjoy adequate legal protection thanks to the 1st Amendment, but I
> don't have to tell you how your critics on the national level will
> gleefully
> eat you for breakfast.  It will make the Sovereign Grace Ministry
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_Grace_Ministries>  mess look like
> an
> old ladies' tea party in comparison.
> But let's (pretend?) consider for a moment that you have individually, if
> not collectively, a conscience.  Shut the Biblical Counseling Center down
> immediately or resign from your position of authority over it.  Turn the
> problem over to Doug and Ben. Let them prove that they care enough for
> fragile, lost souls looking for help that they will recruit (and the Kirk
> will pay the salary of) a Christian mental health professional who is a
> licensed to practice in Idaho.  And, because his competency will be
> recognized by an accrediting institution with standards quite outside
> friendship and personal ambition, he will know that mental health issues
> are
> complex and unlikely to be handled competently by amateurs using only a
> personal interpretation of scripture and unbelievably inane self-help books
> as a viable treatment plan.  (I use the masculine pronoun to describe the
> person since I know you would never hire a woman for a leadership or a
> position of authority.)  Further, I would hope that all elders will
> immediately distance themselves from intimate information that is
> absolutely
> none of your business and obtained under the seal of confidentiality.
> Unless
> of course, you are prepared to let the community know you willingly and
> eagerly wish to be publicly linked to the mission and protocols of Christ
> Church's sponsorship of the Center for Biblical Counseling.
> Rose Huskey

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