[Vision2020] Rand Paul

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 6 19:24:11 PST 2013

Google "militarization of police".  If you see a link with the four 
letters "ACLU" in it, click on it.  The reason I bring it up, is that 
many police departments (probably not locally) want to use drones 
domestically.  They already have tanks and guns that no other citizen 
can purchase or own.  Google "DHS purchases" as well.  While resigned to 
the fact that Tom will call me paranoid again, I can't see any good 
coming out of this.  Our police already use too much force at is.

As for my reaction, I'm sick and tired of the demonization I see 
happening on both sides.  Rightly or wrongly, that's what I picked up 
from your post.  Rand Paul has not embarked upon some kind of Republican 
tactic, his own party probably wishes he'd shut up, too.  Someone sees a 
Paul talking, they immediately discount it. Ron Paul has won my respect 
for his position on civil liberties, backed up by actions as well as 
words.  Rand Paul is slowly gaining my respect in this area, while I 
also disagree with him on other topics.

I wish fervently that people wouldn't pigeon hole everyone so damned 
fast.  I don't belong to either of the two main parties anymore, and 
from my perspective everyone on both sides are a bunch of spoiled 3-year 
olds fighting over a pile of candy.


On 03/06/2013 07:03 PM, Rosemary Huskey wrote:
> I am utterly opposed to the drone attacks.  For that reason I do not 
> support the appointment of John Brennan under any circumstances.  I 
> don't give a hoot about Rand Paul who is sophomoric at best and a dodo 
> at  worse (which is most of the time) when it comes to political 
> theory.  A prince for Fox News perhaps, but no hero in a more 
> thoughtful universe.  He is a stunter from the get go, and so is his 
> more than creepy old man, Ron.   I  don't know what in the world you 
> are talking about when you use terms like  the militarization of the 
> police force.  Surely, you don't include the Moscow Police Department 
> in that hyperbole .  If so, take a deep breath, and relax. They are 
> good people who work hard and serve with dignity an often ungrateful 
> public -- you,  for example.
> Did you have crab apples for dessert tonight, Paul?  It sure sounds 
> like it.  Or, maybe you are just drinking heavily from the tea pot of 
> discontent and brewed by  local Palouse Patriots.  I warn you, it is a 
> bitter brew and a guy with your brains will choke on it before you're 
> done.
> Have a pleasant evening, Paul.
> Rose
> *From:*Paul Rumelhart [mailto:godshatter at yahoo.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 06, 2013 6:43 PM
> *To:* Rosemary Huskey
> *Cc:* 'Vision 2020'
> *Subject:* Re: [Vision2020] Rand Paul
> "Showboating", huh?  Whatever.
> The vast amount of drone strikes overseas have either been against 
> people on their kill list going about their day, not currently 
> involved in a violent attack, or they have been against people they 
> can't identify but that they are reasonably sure are terrorists 
> because of their associations.  Again, not taking them out while they 
> are actively engaged in combat, just assassinating them wherever they 
> happen to find them, doing whatever they happen to be doing at that 
> moment.  Doing the dishes, blam, dead, along with who knows how many 
> people nearby.  No due process, no vetting of evidence, no jury of 
> their peers, no idea even what criteria our President uses to 
> determine who gets to die that day.
> Nobody I've seen is saying that we can't use drones, even on American 
> soil, against people actively involved in combat. The problem is that 
> that isn't what they are being used for.
> If you want to wish this away as some kind of stunt because he's a 
> Paul or because he's a Republican or because you don't like his 
> haircut, then you're part of the problem. Our President is out of 
> control with these assassinations, and our police departments are out 
> of control in their militarization.  Drop the damned Us vs. Them crap, 
> please.
> Paul
> On 03/06/2013 06:06 PM, Rosemary Huskey wrote:
>     Should there be a disclaimer with this "purist's" showboating?
>     Where does shooting someone in self-defense, or those occasions
>     when law enforcement  officers are forced by a  critically
>     dangerous situation (for example  a gun battle) to shoot to kill
>     come into this equation?  I am sure that Rand will zoon right to
>     the top of the list of right wing nutbags with this stunt.
>     Rose
>     *From:*vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
>     <mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com>
>     [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] *On Behalf Of *Paul Rumelhart
>     *Sent:* Wednesday, March 06, 2013 5:55 PM
>     *To:* Vision 2020
>     *Subject:* [Vision2020] Rand Paul
>     I found this on Google+, I didn't make it and I don't claim it.
>     I don't agree with this guy on everything by any means and I wish
>     he'd left out the "on American soil" part, but I am behind him on
>     this.
>     Rand Paul's filibuster
>     Paul

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