[Vision2020] When will the exorcisms begin??????

Rosemary Huskey donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
Wed Jun 5 18:53:21 PDT 2013

In a little over a month Moscow citizens will once again have the
opportunity to gasp in horror, (if they have a conscience) at one more
Christ Church sponsored flim flam scheme.  Drop by Anselm House, pay $60.00
and learn the fine art of Christian Counseling in one week.  My head
explodes at their hubris, profound ignorence and most importantly the harm
they will do to the misguided but genuinly hurting and fragile people who
will bare their souls to a total ninny.  If you happen to know, or are
neighbors with a member of Christ Church or Trinity Reformed Church, please
for the sake of the people they will dupe and quite probably harm, express
your concern about this program.  Silence is tacit consent to the emotional
and psycological abuse.  

The credential offered by the local program leader, Mike Lawyer, (Doug's
admistrative assistant) would be an embarrassment to a professionally
trained practitioner. He is "accredited" by the people who sponsor/market
the counselling program.  I will admit that this standard certainly reflects
the Kirk usual do-it-yourslf educational philosophy.  Are you surprised that
no women need apply?  For $60.00 (and have man parts in your trousers) you
too can become a "Biblical Counselor" and cause an unknown amount of grief
and suffering.  And, this in a nut shell (pun intended) is precisely what is
wrong with Christ Church Inc.  None of them,  to my knowledge have received
formal, academic training in psychology.  They have no state
certification/recognition or oversight.  What a dog pile of know-it-all
cretins.  By the way their methodology is the universally discredited method
known as Nouthetic counseling.  The reading list
<http://www.cbcmoscow.com/training/counseling-in-a-week/>  for the course is
ludicrous but it does functions as an unintentional indictment of the whole
unbelievable mess.

     "The National Association of Nouthetic Counselors recognizes the
existence of many different churches and/or denominations which regularly
grant ordinations to those who complete the requirements for such.  NANC
requires that a male Level 2 nouthetic counselor possess a valid ordination
by a duly recognized local church and/or denomination. For our certification
processes, and believing that ordination conferral makes up a significant
aspect of the evaluation of an applicant for Level 2 membership, we reserve
the right to approve or reject a person's ordination.


By the very nature of ordination to the gospel ministry and the conditions
for which membership is granted within NANC, we therefore by this statement
also affirm the biblical mandate to recognize only males for level 2
certification (please see the NANC policies and procedures section located
on our website for the other requirements for level 2 certification). 


In addition, women who possess an ordination certificate from a church
and/or denomination and who are performing pastoral functions within their
ministry (preaching, teaching, ruling/leading), and who are doing so either
on a vocational or non-vocational basis, will not be accepted into any level
of membership within NANC."

"Nouthetic couseling (Greek: noutheteo, to admonish) is a form of pastoral
counseling <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastoral_counseling>  that holds
that counselling should be based solely upon the Bible and focused upon sin,
and that repudiating mainstream psychology
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology>  and psychiatry
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychiatry>  as humanistic
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanistic> , radically secular
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secular>  and fundamentally opposed to
Christianity <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity> .. . .

Nouthetic counseling has been criticized for being narrowly conceived, with
a confrontational focus upon sin and behavior, which fails to deal
adequately with emotion, grief, and suffering, and which lacks understanding
of complex human motivations.[3]

Clinton and Ohlschlager describe what they call the historic debate between
nouthetic counselors and integrationists. Nouthetic counselors, they say,
argue that truth can only be known as revealed in the Scriptures. According
to an article published by the Spring Christian Counseling Center, secular
counseling and psychology are primarily pseudo-sciences which only can be
transformed into true sciences within the framework of faith based Christian
dialog. Integrationists argue that God reveals his truth universally. This
includes general revelation
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_revelation> , or what they define as
truth known by scientific investigation, as well as truth known by special
revelation <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_revelation>  in Christ.
Clinton and Ohlschlager express their belief that "shrill criticism and
rancorous debate" are ill-suited to the mission of uplifting Christ as the
model for counseling.[4]

Christian counselor and psychologist, and leading proponent of the rival
'community model',[3]
Ohlschlager200246-3>  Larry Crabb <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Crabb>
states that Adams compares behavior patterns "with his understanding of
biblical behavior patterns, and commands change." Crabb agrees with Adams
that obedience to God's commands is "absolutely necessary for effective
Christian living", but takes issue with what he sees as Adams' apparent
belief that this is the "single key ingredient for spiritual growth". Crabb
believes that this neglects what he refers to as the "'insides' of the
behaving person", particularly "the person's assumption system and his
evaluation of situations based on his assumptions."[5]

There is also debate among Christians with regard to mental illness and
demonic influence on counselees. There are three views as to the origin of
mental illness:

1.	Disease occurring in the natural realm,
2.	Habitual sin, and/or
3.	Influence by "demonic forces"[6]

Furthermore, "In the counseling field, many nouthetic counselors have said
that Satan and his demons were bound, bruised, curtailed and restrained at
the time of Christ's death and resurrection. They assert that human beings
today primarily struggle with their own sin natures rather than directly
with Satan and his emissaries."[6]
[bolding is my editorial comment]


An explanation of the classes that will be conducted at held by Christ
Church central can be found here:




Why People Come for Counseling

*	Marriage and Family Problems
*	Divorce and remarriage
*	Anger
*	Anxiety
*	Depression
*	Decision-making
*	Fear and panic
*	Grief and suffering
*	Drug and alcohol addiction
*	Pornography
*	Homosexuality / Lesbianism
*	Attempted suicide
*	Financial problems
*	Other life-dominating problems

Goals of Biblical Counseling

Biblical counseling has many goals, but our primary goal is to help you
develop a whole-hearted love for God and others. Strange as it may sound
today, our purpose is not to simply help you "feel better" or "find
happiness," but to help you grow in personal holiness and spiritual maturity
for service in the body of Christ. Another goal of biblical counseling is to
help you meet the various challenges of life in a way that will always
please and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

Uniqueness of Biblical Counseling

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer to your most basic problems. The
Bible is the counselor's main tool. The Holy Spirit imparts gifts to the
counselor to guide and give hope through the Scripture. Prayer and
dependence upon God are essential parts of biblical counseling.

Biblical counselors have resources for helping you that unbelievers do not
have-resources that are unique, sufficient, and superior to anything the
world has to offer."  

Please think about this and register your concern with your friends.
Perhaps enough negative reactions will bring it to a screeching halt.  

Rose Huskey

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