[Vision2020] PR - Weed Spraying Scheduled
Tom Hansen
thansen at moscow.com
Mon Apr 22 09:26:11 PDT 2013
Imagine that?
The announcement of "weed spraying" . . . immediately following the Hempfest.
I assume that I am too late to reserve a couple benches downwind, huh?
Well . . .
In the words of Dr. Hook . . .
"Pass that roach please and pour the wine
I'll kiss yours if you'll kiss mine
I'm gonna boogie till I go blind
We're freakin at the freakers ball."
Seeya round town, Moscow, because . . .
"Moscow Cares" (the most fun you can have with your pants on)
Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
"There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill."
- John Lennon
On Apr 22, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Stephanie Kalasz <skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us> wrote:
> City of Moscow
> 206 E Third Street
> Moscow, ID 83843
> Contact: Gary J. Riedner, City Supervisor
> p | 208.883.7006
> e | griedner at ci.moscow.id.us
> w | www.ci.moscow.id.us
> Weed Spraying Scheduled
> April 19, 2013 (Moscow, Idaho) — Beginning on Monday, May 13, 2013, Shull Brothers Weed Control will be spraying weeds according to the City of Moscow Street Department weed spraying contract. This spraying will continue throughout the spring and summer seasons as needed.
> Spraying is a primary method of controlling noxious weeds. Herbicide is sprayed on selected streets, street cracks, and alleys, along curb edges, in cracks where sidewalks abut curbs, around dead-end street barricades, bridges, guardrails and fire hydrants on City rights-of-way. Chemicals to be used include; Krovar I, Banvel, Transline, Telar, Surflan, RII, R900XC, Nalcotrol, Sahara, Dimension, Vengeance, Plainview, Oust, Hyvar, Round-up, Rodeo, 2, 4-D, Arsenal, Milestone, Escort, Gallery and Edict. Applications will include a wetting agent and drift retardant.
> Any resident who wishes not to have their street or curb edge sprayed in front of their residence and/or adjacent alley and is willing to control weeds themselves can be placed on a “No Spray List” for the season. Call or email Tammy Gray with the City of Moscow Street Department at 208.883.7097 or by email at tgray at ci.moscow.id.us.
> ###
> Story Contact: Tammy Gray, Administrative Assistant
> Phone: 208.883.7097
> Email: tgray at ci.moscow.id.us
> The City of Moscow delivers quality municipal services while ensuring responsible use of resources.
> We anticipate and meet the needs of our diverse population in order to build public trust and enhance a sense of community.
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