[Vision2020] PR - International Walk to School Day

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Thu Sep 27 09:07:12 PDT 2012

City of Moscow
206 E Third Street
Moscow, ID 83843
Contact: Gary J. Riedner, City Supervisor
p     |  208-883-7006
e     |   griedner at ci.moscow.id.us<mailto:griedner at ci.moscow.id.us>
w    |  www.ci.moscow.id.us<http://www.ci.moscow.id.us>

International Walk to School Day - October 3, 2012

September 27, 2012 (Moscow, Idaho) - Seven Moscow schools will join schools from around the world to celebrate International Walk to School Day on October 3, 2012.  Approximately 1,900 students from Lena Whitmore, West Park, Russell, McDonald, Moscow Middle School, Palouse Prairie Charter and Moscow Charter Schools will be walking and biking to school on Wednesday morning, October 3rd along with parents, teachers and community leaders.

Students are encouraged to walk or bike to school with their parents, friends, or join one of their school's Walking School Buses. All children arriving at school on foot, bike or bus will receive recognition. Students traveling by car are encouraged to walk from designated Park and Walk sites. Other special activities for iWalk this year include: University of Idaho athletes giving out free kids Clif bars to participants (bars donated by Clif), a Walking School Bus Photo Challenge (winners will win a prize for their school), and iWalk banner signing. To learn more about the Walking School Bus Photo Challenge or to see Walking School Bus routes or Drop-off and Walk locations, see the Safe Routes to School website www.SR2Smoscow.com<http://www.SR2Smoscow.com>.

In 2011, International Walk to School Day was celebrated at more than 4,000 events at schools across the United States, along with children and adults in 40 countries around the world. Walk to School Day events raise awareness of the need to create safer routes for walking and bicycling and emphasize the importance of issues such as increasing physical activity among children, pedestrian safety, traffic congestion and concern for the environment. The events build connections between families, schools and the broader community.

The event is being organized by Safe Routes to School, a partnership between the City of Moscow, the University of Idaho and Moscow Schools. Safe Routes to School works with principals, teachers, and parents to educate and encourage safe walking and biking behaviors. Safe Routes to School funding is from the Idaho Department of Transportation and supports sidewalk development, walking and biking encouragement, and education.

For additional local information, please contact Brooke Lowry, Safe Routes to School Coordinator at 208-596-0879 or blowry at uidaho.edu<mailto:blowry at uidaho.edu>.

For additional information, please visit these websites:

Moscow Safe Routes to School                                                  www.SR2Smoscow.com<http://www.SR2Smoscow.com>
Walk to School Day in the USA                                                   www.walkbiketoschool.org<http://www.walkbiketoschool.org>
National Center for Safe Routes to School                            www.saferoutesinfo.org<http://www.saferoutesinfo.org/>
International Walk to School Day                                              www.iwalktoschool.org<http://www.iwalktoschool.org/>


About International Walk to School Day

  *   Walk to School Day was established in the United States in 1997 by the Partnership for a Walkable America. Canada and Great Britain already had walk to school programs in place.  In 2000, these three countries joined together to create International Walk to School Day.

*         In May 2006, the National Center for Safe Routes to School was established to assist communities in enabling and encouraging children to safely walk and bike to school.

  *   The National Center for Safe Routes to School serves as the national coordinating agency for Walk to School activities in the United States.

  *   Walk to School Day began as a simple idea - children and parents, school and local officials walking to school together on a designated day. It is an energizing event, reminding everyone of the simple joy of walking to school, the health benefits of regular daily activity, and the need for safe places to walk and bike. Schools focus on health, safety, physical activity and concern for the environment.
  *   Organizations supporting International Walk to School Day in the United States include America Walks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Highway Administration, the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the National Center for Bicycling and Walking, the National Center for Safe Routes to School, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Safe Kids Worldwide, and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership.


Story Contact: Gary J. Riedner, City Supervisor
Phone: 208.883.7006
Email: griedner at ci.moscow.id.us<mailto:griedner at ci.moscow.id.us>

The City of Moscow delivers quality municipal services while ensuring responsible use of resources.
We anticipate and meet the needs of our diverse population in order to build public trust and enhance a sense of community.

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