[Vision2020] The Big Tent

Art Deco art.deco.studios at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 13:23:17 PST 2012

November 8, 2012
Republicans Consider Welcoming People Who Believe in Math and Science
Posted by Andy Borowitz<http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/bios/andy_borowitz/search?contributorName=Andy%20Borowitz>


 [image: nordeman-phones-465.jpg]

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report <http://bit.ly/NhEEu0>)—Opting for a bold
“big tent” strategy to rebuild the party, Reince Priebus, the chairman of
the Republican National Committee, told reporters today, “We need to
welcome people who believe in different things than we do, like math and

After disappointing results in Tuesday’s election, Mr. Priebus said that it
was time for Republicans to become “more tolerant of those with a
math-and-science lifestyle.”

“Just because we don’t believe in those things doesn’t mean we can’t get
along with people who do,” he said. “We want to send this message: math and
science Americans are Americans, too.”

In the biggest departure from its previous electoral strategy, Mr. Priebus
said, the Republican Party is “even considering trying to appeal to women.”

“I read recently that women are as much as fifty-one per cent of the
population,” he said. “That number sounded crazy high to me, but maybe one
of our new math Republicans can check on it for us.”

*Get the Borowitz Report delivered to your inbox <http://bit.ly/pXhnZc>.*

*Photograph by Landon Nordeman.*
Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
art.deco.studios at gmail.com
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