[Vision2020] Fw: PPF field trip - Dumroese prairie restoration project

lfalen lfalen at turbonet.com
Thu May 31 13:25:39 PDT 2012

-----Original message-----

From: Whitepine chapter INPS whitepine.chapter at gmail.com
Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 22:47:30 -0700
To: White Pine Chapter contacts whitepine.chapter at gmail.com
Subject: PPF field trip - Dumroese prairie restoration project


*Field Trip to the Dumroese restoration*.  As a follow-up to his recent
presentation regarding Palouse Prairie restoration on his Paradise Ridge
property, Kas Dumroese will host a field trip to view his plantings on *June
5th*, 2012.  Kas and Deborah also have a Palouse Prairie remnant on their

Parking on the site is limited.  Participants should meet in the southwest
part of the parking lot at Eastside Marketplace in Moscow to arrange
carpooling.  Please plan to be at the meeting place a little early.  We
will leave the parking lot at 5:30 pm.

 *This is the nesting season for many of our local birds.  Please leave
your dog at home and keep young children under close supervision at all

*Dave Skinner

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Subject: PPF field trip - Dumroese prairie restoration project
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