[Vision2020] Be heard tommorrow--Don't Vote!

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Mon May 14 14:53:37 PDT 2012

Instead of voting on May 15th I am going to go to the movies and shout at the screen in an attempt to persuade the behavior of the actors. While this may seem senseless, I am more likely to alter the actions of the Avengers than I am to influence an Idaho Election. At least a 3D movie makes an attempt at making me feel like I am part of the big picture. 
Yes, thought I would never advise people to not vote. But if you are a Democrat, or an independent, or believe in true elections, I advise not to vote in the factious spectacle on May 15th that is incorrectly refereed to as a public election. 
A public election is suppose to be a true contest of candidates selected by the people where every adult law abiding citizen can vote. That is not what is happening tomorrow around the State of Idaho. 
Although the Republican Party will be taking government handouts to run their private primary, you are not allowed to participate in it. The only way to participate in the primary is to sign your soul away by declaring to the Party, God, State, and Union that you believe in the platform of the Republican Party. Unfortunately, my soul and self integrity is worth a bit more than being able to choose between the far right candidate, and the far far far right candidate. Only God and the Feds can save me from them.
Yes, it is true, I could register to vote in the Democratic Party, or the Green Party, or the Socialist or Libertarian Primaries. However, those elections are uncontested, so voting is rather pointless. In Idaho you cannot even write someone in unless they are registered as a write in candidate. So, there really is no vote to be made at all.
With Republicans controlling every aspect of Idaho State Legislation from the top, down, even the Hail Mary election outcome of a candidate not being a member of the far right faction of the Republican Party means nothing because they have absolutely no power or influence. 
By default, all Republicans win the elections in the General Election. Thus, if you cannot vote in the Primary, you have no influence in the outcome of an election.
So, the only way to have your voice heard, is to no show up for the Republican Party. Last year the number of people that voted in the closed primaries dropped significantly as people wise up to the fact that the outcome of Idaho elections are predetermined long before we even get in our cars and drive to the election booth. 
I am not going to lend my name to the Republican Registry of members. I am not going to waste taxpayer dollars by showing up at an election that is a farce.  I am going to have my voice heard, like 80% or more of the population in Idaho, by not even showing up in protest to this sham. It is a waste of my time and energy. If you want to make a difference in Idaho, write a check out for the Obama Campaign, because Obama and the US Courts are the only entities that protect the few rights Idaho Citizens have managed to keep.
Donovan J. Arnold
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