[Vision2020] Idaho trial could be the next Roe v Wade

Scott Dredge scooterd408 at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 16 12:59:30 PDT 2012


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The reality is that McCormack is the reason why Roe exists, and why the 
whittling away of abortion rights is so critical at this point. 
Regardless of how late it occurred, McCormack's attempt to terminate was
 a combination of financial struggles, an inability to access an 
affordable procedure, and a lack of providers who could provide a 
termination. Restrictions since 1992's Planned Parenthood vs. Casey 
decision, such as waiting periods, which drive up expenses and the time 
needed to get an early abortion; TRAP laws; and attacks on providers, 
have created roadblocks to early safe abortion care. As a result, early,
 safe abortion care has become increasingly unattainable for women at 
the economic margins, leading them to take matters into their own hands 
to terminate an untenable pregnancy in any way possible. 
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