[Vision2020] Beyond Irony

Rosemary Huskey donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
Tue Aug 14 11:03:43 PDT 2012

This morning Doug Wilson posts a remarkable statement on his blog which he
calls "Makers or Fakers
<http://www.dougwils.com/Shameless-Appeals/makers-or-fakers.html>  . But,
even I, old cynic that I am , am left breathless by these sentences.


"It is no coincidence that our generation suffers under a burden of
plagiarizing journalists, confiscatory government, cooked scientific
research, and so on. We have lost our understanding of the difference
between meum and tuum, and this is because we are listening to the serpent
instead of to God."  [bolding mine]


What is this about???   He is plugging a dagger into the  fat cracker back
of  his old pal and co-author of Southern Slavery As It Was Steve Wilkins.
Of course, Doug,  was editor and co-author so maybe he is finally confessing
his sins as well.  On second thought, probably not. 


Rosemary Huskey

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