[Vision2020] Constitional Sheriff

Rosemary Huskey donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
Mon Apr 9 14:19:43 PDT 2012

Dear Mr. Henderson,


I have several concerns about your platform <http://www.rickforsheriff.com/>
.  (Note:  This website seems to be down.  The url for the platform link
is:   http://www.rickforsheriff.com/ - it is to be hoped that it is back up
when I send this. ) 

Could you respond to my questions on this forum (V2020) so that all
participants of this community may read your responses directly?  Thank you.


1.     Do you support and intend to follow/implement the following statement
from the "CSPOA - Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association
<http://www.cspoa.org/> " website?  (After arriving at this home page click
on the Purpose tab located on the left side of the page.)


"The county sheriff is the line in the sand. The county sheriff is the one
who can say to the feds, "Beyond these bounds you shall not pass." This is
not only within the scope of the sheriff's authority; it's the sheriff's
sworn duty. And what about the little guys; the individual police officers?
It's all about judgement [sic] calls."  Scroll down several paragraphs
<http://www.cspoa.org/intro.php> . 


2.     How do you plan to provide and pay for the legal education required
to avoid costly litigation connected with faulty constitutional
interpretation by you and Latah County deputies?


3.     What is a Constitutional Sheriff's posse
<http://constitutionalsheriffs.ning.com/> ? Why are they issued badges?  Are
they a volunteer group operating under the jurisdiction of the sheriff? Do
you plan/intend to implement a Sheriff's posse in Latah County? 


Rose Huskey


P.S. You might want to read up and correct the errors on your little
fictional version of what a constitutional sheriff would have done during
the Rosa Parks Montgomery bus boycott <http://www.rickforsheriff.com/>  .
Your caricature of what a constitutional sheriff might have done is
abysmally ignorant and grotesquely offensive  to anyone even vaguely
familiar with the history of civil rights in this country.  By the way, this
event took place in 1955 not 1959.  It might  be useful if you reviewed
Plessy v Ferguson
<http://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/163/537/case.html>  , Brown v
Board <http://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/347/483/>  and,
subsequent legislation and rulings following the Civil Rights Law of 1964
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964> .  These cases are
so basic that even a non-attorney, legally ignorant person such as myself
immediately recognizes and understands the issues, is familiar with the
court reasoning and rulings,  and identifies the cultural context of
segregation and discrimination related to those cases.  If you aren't
familiar with and well acquainted (from a layman's perspective) with these
landmark cases how in the world do you intend to educate your staff on far
murkier and more complex  constitutional issues?  



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