[Vision2020] Oil Extraction and Megaloads

Moscow Cares MoscowCares at moscow.com
Wed Sep 7 17:57:15 PDT 2011

Greetings Visionaires (et al) -

The "Moscow Cares" website has been updated to include videos and
committee reports from the following segment of the September 6, 2011
Moscow city Council session.


Sustainable Environment Commission Report & Recommendation Regarding Oil

On May 11, 2011, a public input session was held at the Hamilton Indoor
Recreation Center to allow public comment on the issue of the permitting
of over-legal loads by the Idaho Transportation Department. At that
meeting, Mayor Chaney, who chaired the meeting, restricted public comment
to the over-legal load permitting issue, informing the public that
comments relating to fossil fuel production or the environmental impacts
of oil extraction could be given in writing, or that input on those issues
could be given to the City of Moscow Health and Environment Commission
(SEC), which would then formulate a recommendation for presentation to the
City Council. On May 16, 2011, the City Council voted to take a position
regarding the issue of over-legal loads. The City Council action included
the insertion of language indicating that the City Council's position was
"As of this date...". At the May 16, 2011 meeting, the Council was again
informed that the SEC would be holding meetings to review the issue of
environmental impacts of oil extraction. The SEC held a public meeting to
obtain public comment on June 15, 2011. Subsequently, the SEC discussed
the public input and issued a letter to the City Council.



More to come, because . . .

"Moscow Cares"

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

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