[Vision2020] NASA GISS: Oct. 2011 Earth Surface Temp. Eight Warmest Since 1880: Arctic Warmth Continues

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 09:17:16 PST 2011

Goddard Institute for Space studies has released their Oct. 2011
monthly global average surface temperature analysis.  Oct. 2011 in
their analysis is the eighth warmest Oct. for global average surface
temperature since 1880, with all eight warmest Oct. months occuring
from 2003 through 2011:

Note the extreme warm anomaly (4 to 7.3 C. on global color coded map
at website lower down) over northern Russia and further north over
water, continuing to express what has been called "polar
amplification," from increases in atmospheric CO2 level, predicted in
the scientific literature at least as early as 1980: Manabe, Syukuro,
and Ronald J Stouffer, 1980: Sensitivity of a global climate model to
an increase of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Journal of
Geophysical Research, 85(C10), 5529-5554:

Goddard Institute for Space Studies color coded global map of Oct.
2011 average monthly temperature should display at website below:

Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett

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