[Vision2020] Angry Hens

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu May 5 15:23:11 PDT 2011

Rose -

For some reason I can't get this image out of my mind after reading your
post . . .

Wilson and his ilk carefully, silently reading your postings while Frank
Sinatra sings "That's Why the Lady is a Tramp" in the background, while
the Intoleristas, gathered at the corner of Washington and Fifth, loudly
(and proudly) sing "This Rose Has Thorns".

Remind me to post a copy of both songs, ok?

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

On Thu, May 5, 2011 3:10 pm, Rosemary Huskey wrote:
> 1.  What does it say about you that you imply same sex marriage is the
> equivalent of  a church arranged marriage for a pedophile who
> consequently,
> will have instant, unimpeded access to the children he fathers?  Answer:
> nothing very good
> 2.  Help me to understand why you think this community finds pedophilia
> socially acceptable.  I don’t think that even rank and file Kirkers think
> that.  The pity is they are unable to challenge their pastor and elders.
> Brainwashing and that membership oath they take to support the church
> hierarchy brings dissent to a dead stop.
> 3.  I source all my “claims” about the Kirk right back to the source of
> them, the Kirk.
> 4.  I don’t comment on Doug’s doctrinal stances – with the exception of
> his
> self-serving, piggish philosophy on the role of women, (not supported
> scripturally, by the way)  and those happy slaves he clearly knew nothing
> about.  Now that I think about it, other than Calvin, he doesn’t seem to
> know much about anything in the academic sense, certainly not History.  He
> can really bottle and sell snake oil though.
> 5.  I can’t speak for the community “liberals” who in my opinion are more
> concerned with drinking the right kind of wine, wearing clothes made out
> of
> bamboo fiber, and supporting the democratic party in Idaho – than I would
> ever be.  In short they just aren’t my kind of people – and I am sure that
> that is a great relief to them.  As for co-existing, that opens the door
> to
> all kinds of scum.  Maybe you would be ok, living cheek to jowl to a
> member
> of the Aryan Nation, Fred Phelps, and/or Newt Gingrich. (free speech and
> all
> that).  I’m not.  So I live in the sticks and don’t put tired old cliché
> ridden bumper stickers on my car.  I did have a great “Cowboy Up”
> cling-kind
> of decal on my back window but some jackass stole it.
> 6.  I understand that keeping your trap shut when something really
> offensive
> and quite possibly dangerous is going on works splendidly for backboneless
> wimps.  For me, not so much.  There is something about being your brother
> (or sisters) keeper that is tape looped in my brain.
> Do hope you have a splendid day, Kai.  I’m going to go make a quilt and
> watch some deer.
> Rose
> From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
> On Behalf Of Kai Eiselein
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 1:38 PM
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Angry Hens
> Saundra, you seem to have missed my point.
> The same people who engaged in much gnashing of teeth over anti-gay
> marriage
> laws a few years ago are now gnashing their teeth over what appears to be
> a
> marriage that is completely legal.
> As I argued before, it is the community's right to choose what is socially
> acceptable. That argument was met with plenty of derision right here on
> the
> ol' viz. Now it seems that position has changed and a number of people who
> disagreed with my argument then have proven my point, in spades, I might
> add.
> Anybody for a big steaming helping of hypocrisy?
> As for Wilson, I haven't read any of his books, pamphlets, comic books,
> novels or flyers. I'm sorry, I'm just not all that interested in his
> religious or world views, so I cannot comment on what he may or may not
> have
> said based soley on the word of someone who appears to have an axe to
> grind
> with him.
> If there is a legal issue, then by all means take it to the courts,
> council,
> commission, or wherever it needs to be addressed.
> This constant screeching about every little thing is just plain childish
> and
> I believe it goes deeper than any legal issues. In fact, I believe it is
> an
> ideological clash and despite all of the "Coexist" stickers on cars in
> this
> town, there is a deep seated hatred towards anybody or anything that
> doesn't
> fit in with the local liberal lockstep.
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"The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to
changeand the Realist adjusts his sails."

 - Unknown

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