[Vision2020] House Bill 222 - Weapons on campus

Saundra Lund v2020 at ssl1.fastmail.fm
Fri Mar 11 12:12:22 PST 2011

Lynn, I wonder if the Boise Weekly article muddled things up a bit or Marty
Peterson was less than clear in his comments?


This comes from Betsy Russell with the Spokesman Review, who generally gets
the details accurately - maybe she asked Mr. Peterson for clarification?



UI: Guns-on-campus bill would end local control

Posted by Betsy 

March 10, 2011 7:33 a.m. - Updated: 7:35 a.m.

Marty Peterson, assistant to the president of the University of Idaho, told
the House State Affairs Committee, "Under current policies, the state allows
local control at the institutional level to determine campus firearms
policies. This allows each institution to adopt policies that best suit the
needs of the individual institution. Under HB 222, these policies would be
centralized and controlled by state law rather than being responsive to
local needs." He also pointed out a problem in the bill as it applies to the
UI: It would permit state colleges and universities to ban guns only in
undergrad dorms, but, he said, "At the UI we don't have housing that is
specified as undergraduate or graduate student housing. Both undergraduate
and graduate students are housed in the same units. Presumably this would
mean that graduate students living in the dormitory could have firearms, but
undergraduates could not."

Peterson said the community had an incident in which an armed student tried
to assist when there was a shooting. When a sniper attacked people in
downtown Moscow, "A UI student living nearby grabbed his 45-caliber
semi-automatic pistol and approached the shooting scene to try to assist.
The sniper spotted the student and fired." The student was struck three
times in multiple rounds fired from the sniper's AK-47, and was never able
to fire his gun. "Fortunately, he lived," Peterson said. He said the
university is currently in litigation over the question of guns being
allowed in student housing. "We believe that the courts rather than the
Legislature are the appropriate place for this to be decided, " he said. He
noted that the university, the faculty senate, and the associated students
at UI all oppose HB 222.

[Emphasis is mine.  SL]

This does make more sense to me.



Saundra Lund

Moscow, ID


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do

~ Edmund Burke


***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2011 through life plus
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-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of Lynn McCollough
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 10:17 PM
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: [Vision2020] House Bill 222 - Weapons on campus


The following is a quote from today's Boise Weekly:


"Marty Peterson, assistant to the president of the University of Idaho,
talked about a 2007 incident when a sniper terrorized the community of


"We had a U of I student grab his .45 caliber pistol and head toward the
sniper," said Peterson. "The sniper proceeded to fire 31 rounds at the
student, hitting him with three bullets. Fortunately he lived, but that
student is now suing the university."


Is the person who grabbed their .45 really suing the U of I? I had not heard
of this action resulting from that tragic incident. I do not understand how
anyone could possibly include the University as having something to defend
re. this tragedy of domestic violence escalating horrifically. Does anyone
know more about this?


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