[Vision2020] Why don't any top 100 companies have any Idaho site?

Ron Force rforce2003 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 26 17:33:17 PST 2011

I don't know how attractive the living characteristics are, that's a matter of 
taste (William Tecumseh Sherman: "If I owned Hell and Texas, I'd rent out Texas 
and live in Hell"), but they are located in or near population concentrations. 
The population concentrations probably arose from various historical factors, 
and most people remain near where they were born.  

Other than that, I agree.

 Ron Force
Moscow Idaho USA


To shed a little light on the mystery, partly and very generally, as you 
suggest, one might look at where the work sites are located. The top ten 
states with the most work sites are CA-45, TX-34, NY-30, NJ-17, FL-16, IL-16, 
WA-14, VA-12, GA-10, and MA-10. Cities in these states have combinations of 
attractive living characteristics -- warmer and richer, or colder and richer, 
and some combination of better educated, more powerful, or hipper culture 
within higher population densities. The have-not states tend to have lower 
population densities, lower concentrations of money and power wielders, fewer 
intellectuals and culture influencers, and less desirable living environments.

So, I suppose it should not be surprising that the majority of the desirable 
jobs are located where people want to live. With higher population densities 
and two-thirds of the better jobs located in only 10 of the 36 states that 
have any of the better jobs, it may appear that the cards are stacked against 
the have-not states. On the other hand, if those states' efforts to improve 
their situations concentrate on only increasing opportunities for existing 
businesses, with little new business enterprise recruitment, lower levels of 
business diversity with fewer newer success stories should be expected.


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