[Vision2020] The green hijack of the Met Office is cripplingBritain

Joe Campbell philosopher.joe at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 04:56:56 PST 2011

I'll just add that the attack against Climatolgy is a slap in the face to the Acadamy in general. Like other areas of discipline, they have their own peer reviewed process. To think that the whole lot of them could be out of whack -- with 5% of the studies being flawed, as you suggest -- is an insult to the process. And an insult to related areas of scientific enquiry, like geology.

On Jan 6, 2011, at 12:10 AM, Andreas Schou <ophite at gmail.com> wrote:

> That's a little harsh. Sorry. Shouldn't send email at midnight.
> It's just bizarre to see someone who's normally so well-informed, and
> a huge advocate of science, attacking literally an entire field of
> science. Climatology's consensus around global warming is as uniform
> and well-supported as biology's consensus around evolution. What's
> left over is a motley collection of crank physicists, conservative
> economists, conspiracy bloggers, geologists, and TV weathermen,
> well-funded by the petroleum industry. They've produced an argument
> that's superficially convincing to the myopic and managed to (since
> the 1990s) disinform a plurality of Americans, who -- back in the
> 1990s -- used to believe in global warming.
> I've tried to stay quiet, but the whole thing just makes me nauseous.
> --  ACS
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