[Vision2020] Say What?

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu Dec 1 18:07:34 PST 2011

"A very poor neighborhood. You have kids that who are under law required to go to school. They have no money. They have no habit of work. What if you paid them part-time in the afternoon to sit in the clerical office, and greet people when they came in? What if you paid them to work as an assistant librarian? 

Let me get down to the janitor thing, and these letters are written that janitorial work is really hard and really dangerous and this and that.  Fine.  So what if they became assistant janitors and their job was to mop the floor and clean the bathroom. And you pay them."

- Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich (December 1, 2011)


Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"If not us, who?
If not now, when?"

- Unknown
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