[Vision2020] U of I Sustainability Symposium Wed. 3-30-11: "McKibben calls for global uprising against fossil fuels"

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 2 12:24:55 PDT 2011

On 04/01/2011 11:44 AM, Ted Moffett wrote:
> There was no mention of rising sea levels from climate change, which
> should always be emphasized in discussions of climate change impacts.
> Even if adaptation to negative climate changes on land (heat waves,
> flooding, drought, fires, desertification, agricultural failures,
> species extinction, etc.) are more successful than might be predicted,
> the global impact of only a one meter rise in sea level by 2100 (and
> futher future increases based on positive long term feedbacks) would
> be immense, including displacement of human populations and
> destruction of important coastal infrastructure and agriculture:
> "Global sea level linked to global temperature" Proceedings of the
> National Academy of Sciences:
> http://www.pnas.org/content/106/51/21527.full

I'm afraid the numbers just don't add up.  To obtain the frequently 
cited 1m sea level increase by 2100, the average rate of increase would 
need to be:

1m = 1000 mm, 2100 - 2011.5 = 88.5 yrs, avg rate of increase = 1000 mm / 
88.5 yr = 11.30 mm/yr

This paper 
(http://www.jcronline.org/doi/pdf/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-10-00157.1) from 
the Journal of Coastal Research gives a value derived from U.S. tide 
gauges of 1.7 mm/yr.  That's off the required amount by a factor of 
6.6.  Satellite altimeters give readings of around 3.15 mm/yr since 
1993, which conflicts with the tide gauge record.  This is still short 
of the needed average increase by a factor of 3.5.

So, to get there, we need an acceleration in the rate of increase, 
right?  Well, unfortunately, the paper cited above 
concludes that there has been no acceleration in sea level rate of 
increase in U.S. tide gauge records during the 20th century.

So while it's not impossible that we'll get a 1m increase in sea level 
rise by 2100, it doesn't look likely at this point without a rapid 
acceleration in sea level rise starting right now.  And the longer we 
wait before we see a rapid acceleration in sea level rise, the faster it 
will have to happen to reach that number.


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