[Vision2020] Neighbors Doing the Right Thing

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Sat Sep 11 09:02:01 PDT 2010

Actually, some of us object as strongly as we do to bigotry and intolerance because we see that it conflicts with the message of Jesus Christ  we believe is revealed in the Christian Gospel; our  religious beliefs fuel our hatred of bigotry, particularly that bigotry that disguises itself as religious righteousness.  

One thing I would say to Schwaller is that while his litany of supposed abuses of tolerance perpetrated against Christians by Muslim nations is, I suppose, interesting to some, it's entirely irrelevant to the argument at hand.  At the very least, a nation whose Christians insist is a "Judeo-Christian country" ought to hold itself to the highest standards, not the most common ones.  This applies whether or not Schwaller's post is factually correct.  But for true followers of Jesus Christ, the imperative to love, serve, and respect others is unchangeable, whether directed toward those we call "brethren" or those we believe to be enemies (a belief that's problematic enough, frankly, and indicative of a flawed theology and a flayed heart).  

I believe that Schwaller, if he exists as a single person or as a composite of a few, identifies as a Christian.  He should know that it's not what "they" do to "us," but what "we" must do toward "them," and all because of what He did for US.


From: deco at moscow.com
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 13:39:20 -0700
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Neighbors Doing the Right Thing

When groundless religious fantasies are held and there is no 
method to determine the validity, once and for all, of any of them, intolerance 
and the generation of ill-will is the preferred tool of the zealots and 
their followers since they have little else to rely upon.  Witness our 
local cultmaster, Douglas Wilson clinging to words written in the age general 
ignorance and superstition as the to-be-imposed guide to dealing with all of our 
desires and actions.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: vision2020 
  Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 12:59 
  Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Neighbors Doing 
  the Right Thing
Absolutely spot-on Roger.  It's not about intolerance, 
  hatred, nor
bigotry either.  There are currently over 100 mosques in 
  the 5
boroughs in NY.  With the exception of a small group of 
general hatred and intolerance towards Muslims is not the 
  issue.  In
fact I find it rather amusing how the Muslim community 
  points at the
anti-ground zero mosque group as being bigoted and intolerant 
the number of Christian / Jewish / Catholic place of worship are 
"traditional" Islamic countries:

Egypt has between 7 and 10 
  million Christians - but that is difficult
to verify since it is against 
  the law to take a census on Christian
numbers.  Since church property 
  is owned by the county, a decree from
the President is required in order to 
  build non-Muslim churches.  I'll
let you guess how may of these 
  decrees has been signed.

Saudi Arabia - No Christian churches are 
  allowed. The open practice of
Christianity is punishable by death.  
  How's that for a show of

Turkey - the Christian 
  minorities are forbidden to construct new or
restore destroyed churches, 
  may not possess buildings nor land, and
cannot open schools. Christians are 
  forbidden from the military,
political offices and some 

Pakistan - where some 5 million Christians and "apostates" 
  would be
put to death if discovered.

Iran -  conducts routine 
  "monitoring" of Churches and Christian
training centers are routinely 
  monitored with widespread closure
and/or destruction of these 
  centers.  Christian bookshops have been
closed as of 1990, and the 
  circulation of Christian literature is
illegal.  Several prominent 
  Christian leaders have been assassinated
or executed, and as of 2008, no 
  new churches have been built.



On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 10:50 AM, 
  lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com> 
> This is very good and the way it should be. But it is not 
  relevant to the gorund zero problem.
> Roger
> -----Original 
> From: "Tom Hansen" thansen at moscow.com
> Date: Wed, 08 
  Sep 2010 17:23:35 -0700
> To: "Moscow Vision 2020" vision2020 at moscow.com
> Subject: 
  [Vision2020] Neighbors Doing the Right Thing
>> This, in my heart and mind, is true 
>> Courtesy of 
  WMC-TV (Memphis, Tennessee) 
>> http://www.wmctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=13107746
>> Cordova church welcomes 
  new Islamic Center to the 
  (WMC-TV) - In New York protesters continue to demonstrate
>> against 
  a proposed mosque near the site of the September 11th attacks. 
>> protest comes days after a Nashville Mosque site was 
  vandalized. But here
>> in the Mid-South there's a different 
  sentiment. A Cordova church
>> congregation is welcoming a new 
  Islamic Center.
>> The words on 
  the sign said it all, "Heartsong Church welcomes Memphis
>> Islamic 
  Center to the neighborhood."
  "Once we put up the sign, within three days people from Memphis 
>> Center contacted us and were overwhelmed with emotion that 
  we would be so
>> Steve Stone, 
  pastor of Heartsong Church, said when he heard about plans for
>> the 
  multimillion dollar Memphis Islamic Center Complex being built near 
>> church, he knew he had to 
>> "I don't know a lot 
  about Islam and I only know one fellow who is a Muslim,"
>> said 
  Pastor Stone. "So I knew it was going to be a learning process for 
>> but we follow Jesus and he tells us to love our 
>> Stone said he 
  hopes that by putting out a welcome mat for Muslims, it will
>> send 
  a strong message to those who may have associated Christians with 
>> anti-Islam.
  "People that associate Christians with folks that are afraid of or 
>> like Muslims, I can't judge those people that are Christian. 
  I believe that
>> to take the name of Christ and do hateful things is 
  a real insult."
>> To prove his 
  point, Stone told Action News 5 that the Heartsong Church
  congregation is taking its new relationship with members of the 
>> Islamic Center one step 
>> "Their facility is 
  not quite finished and they came and asked us if they
>> might be 
  able to use our facility for Ramadan prayers which we took as a
  high compliment."
>> Stone said 
  it's the beginning of a friendship he hopes will inspire others
>> to 
  love their neighbors.
  According to Pastor Stone, the congregations of both churches have gotten 
>> know each other on a first name basis. They even call each 
  other brother
>> and 
>> http://wmctv.images.worldnow.com/images/13107746_BG1.jpg
>> God 
>> Seeya round town, 
>> Tom 
>> Moscow, 
>> "The Pessimist complains 
  about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change
>> and the Realist 
  adjusts his sails."
>> - 
> List services 
  made available by First Step Internet,
> serving the communities of the 
  Palouse since 1994.
> http://www.fsr.net
> mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com

  services made available by First Step Internet, 
 serving the 
  communities of the Palouse since 1994.   
          mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com

 List services made available by First Step Internet, 
 serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.   
          mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com
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