[Vision2020] Her View: Land swap would benefit all parties

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Mon Sep 6 12:42:41 PDT 2010

Here is my little donation . . .


Perhaps we can send the attached 10-second video to Ms. Bieker (c/o Western
Pacific Timber).


Whatcha think?




From: marilyn beckett [mailto:marilynbeckett at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 12:19 PM
To: Tom Hansen
Cc: Moscow Vision 2020; Kathy Judson; basketmakeart at yahoo.com;
jdkrebs1 at yahoo.com; lonnieway at verizon.net; l.rosstask at palouse.net;
levengood at moscow.com; ballard at moscow.com; Friends of the Palouse Ranger
District; sbrandt at idahocounty.org; jrockwell at idahocounty.org;
ttranch at smgazette.com; Tom Trail; Shirley Ringo; Charles Pezeshki
Subject: Re: Her View: Land swap would benefit all parties


Great idea, Tom.
I think we all should do it. 
We can save the wit for the article. For now, something simple, like:

"In today's Daily News (Sept. 6, 2010) you published an article in the
"His/Her View" of the editorial page entitled, "Land swap would benefit all
parties", by Marla Bieker, an employee of Western Pacific Timber, the
"party" responsible for orchestrating the Lochsa exchange. Since the
exchange serves the interests of WPT above all else and WPT is being allowed
by the Daily News to sway Public opinion in an OpEd, someone from the Public
(at least one person!) should have the opportunity to rebut Ms. Bieker's
article--same slot, same word allotment, weekend edition.

I look forward to your response.

M. Beckett

I don't care if everyone sends this, or sends something else, but let's
flood the desk of these folks at the Daily News TODAY. 


On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:

Might I suggest that somebody with a sharp wit and sharper tongue write to,
and demand equal time from . . .


Nate Alford (Daily News Publisher)

alford at dnews.com


Wayne Hollingshead (General Manager)

wh at lmtribune.com


Murf Raquet (Opinion Editor)

murf at dnews.com


Lee Rozen (Managing Editor)

lrozen at dnews.com


How about it, gang?


Tom Hansen

Moscow, Idahol


From: marilyn beckett [mailto:marilynbeckett at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 10:51 AM
To: Tom Hansen
Cc: Moscow Vision 2020; Kathy Judson; basketmakeart at yahoo.com;
jdkrebs1 at yahoo.com; lonnieway at verizon.net; l.rosstask at palouse.net;
levengood at moscow.com; ballard at moscow.com; Friends of the Palouse Ranger
District; sbrandt at idahocounty.org; jrockwell at idahocounty.org;
ttranch at smgazette.com
Subject: Re: Her View: Land swap would benefit all parties


This isn't JUST an editorial, folks. 
This is the "Her View" section, which gets top billing on the editorial
page. WHY? Did WPT pay for it?

If it is a matter of payment, I suggest we craft a response for the same
section of the paper. Actually, it
doesn't seem as if payment would be necessary--the Public deserves at LEAST
equal time.

Or maybe Chuck can write a response...Whoever does it, it needs to be swift,
pointed, and clear. And right
up top in the section in the edition that will be the most read.

How many people will read this and know this woman is affiliated with
WPT--and where did she come from? I have
never seen her name mentioned before...the fourth employee, I gather!

I'd like to see a "View" column written saying "Land Swap would DEVASTATE
Northern Idaho" by Jane/John Q. Public.

Or--"Upper Lochsa Land Exchange: Fact vs. Fiction".

Until we believe this Land Exchange is going to happen no matter what we do,
we won't be able to do enough. I just wrote that, and I'm not sure I even
know what I meant, except we haven't done enough yet.

It is good thing Kathy and others are out there who refuse to quit. I lesser
person would have given up by now.


On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 5:40 AM, Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:

Courtesy of the Opinion section of today's (September 6, 2010)
Moscow-Pullman Daily News.




Her View: Land swap would benefit all parties

By Marla Bieker, Western Pacific Timber


I recently visited the upper reaches of the Lochsa River and was reminded of
the beauty and function of this landscape. Miles of streams filled with
clean water and fish, thousands of acres of trees big and small, abundant
wildlife and numerous opportunities for recreation. This landscape is
currently characterized as a checkerboard ownership alternating between
private (Western Pacific Timber, LLC) and federal (U.S. Forest Service)
lands all surrounded by miles of USFS land in both Idaho and Montana. 


Western Pacific Timber and the forest service are working together to
complete the Upper Lochsa Land Exchange, which would put all this land into
federal ownership. In the exchange approximately 40,000 acres of private
land would be traded for scattered parcels of federal land in six different
counties of Idaho. Many of the parcels that would go into private ownership
are small, isolated and already surrounded by private lands that make it
difficult for the USFS to responsibly manage them. 


Some critics of this exchange have claimed that the federal government and
the American people are getting the raw end of this deal and receiving
"devastated" or "barren" land. This could not be further from the truth.
These lands have been well managed for more than 100 years.


Healthy, well-stocked plantations cover many of the sections. Other parcels
contain stands of well-spaced trees with multiple age classes. Yes, these
private sections look different from many of the older stands on the current
federal land, but it does not mean they are not healthy. These lands have
been managed for timber production - millions of board feet have fed local
mills and provided good paying jobs for both timber and mill workers as well
as many other supporting industries for over a century. 


This type of land management has created diversity across the landscape -
instead of a sea of trees all in the same age class, it is a mosaic. Many
species thrive in a diverse landscape such as this - deer, elk, bears, birds
and countless other species need the more open stands for forage while the
older, more mature stands provide cover. 


Checkerboard ownerships are difficult, expensive and really not the most
effective way to manage a forest. This exchange will enable the USFS to
manage the Upper Lochsa as a landscape as opposed to section by section,
allowing the forest service to be more efficient and effective in how it
manages the forest and watersheds for habitat, fire, and harvest of forest
products in the Upper Lochsa. 


As both a forester and a citizen who recreates on federal lands, I believe
this land exchange is in the best interest of both the land and the American
people who really own our nation's forests.


The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for this land exchange is scheduled
to be released in October. I encourage you to read it, make comments and
ultimately support this land exchange. 


Marla Bieker is a certified forester with Western Pacific Timber. She has a
Bachelor of Science in forest management from the University of Washington
and has worked in the timber industry for 16 years primarily managing
private timberlands.




Perhaps you fine people would be interested in truth and facts, as opposed
to twisted imagery and watching Ms. Bieker's nose grow.  Please browse:




Tom Hansen

Moscow, Idaho


"The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change
and the Realist adjusts his sails." 


- Unknown 


"The return of the feminine is not about women ruling society, as that would
create imbalance. It is about the return to nature, balance restored,
ying/yang united - both hemispheres of the brain working in balance,
consciousness."  Alexandria Thames

"The return of the feminine is not about women ruling society, as that would
create imbalance. It is about the return to nature, balance restored,
ying/yang united - both hemispheres of the brain working in balance,
consciousness."  Alexandria Thames

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